Short bursts of vigorous activity can reduce risk of early death, study finds
A new study shows that doing one to two minutes of strenuous activity multiple times each day, such as climbing stairs or taking a bus, can reduce the risk of premature death.
Good news for those who hate gyms. A new study found that just blowing on him three to four times a minute a day could reduce his risk of premature death by as much as 40 percent, Australian researchers say. reported Thursday. in natural medicine.
“Particularly for people who do not regularly engage in strenuous exercise in their leisure time, short but regular periods of vigorous-intensity physical activity as part of their daily activities may be just as beneficial as leisure-time exercise. Professor of Physical Activity, Lifestyle and Population Health at the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney.
That doesn’t mean gym-goers should stop working out, Stamatakis said in an email.
“All physical activity is important, no matter how short it is,” he added. “The higher the intensity and the more regular the bursts, the better the results. Those who already have an established regular routine should stick to it and treat VILPA (Intense Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity) as a supplement to their regular routine, not as a replacement.
According to Stamatakis, many types of activities qualify for VILPA, including climbing stairs, walking up steep hills, carrying shopping bags, playing energetically with children and pets, and vigorous gardening and household chores. . “As long as your heart rate goes up for a minute or two, it’s probably going to be vigorous activity,” he added.
The research itself doesn’t explain how these short bursts of activity can help people live longer.
“However, it is plausible to speculate that regular repetition of VILPA improves cardiorespiratory fitness over time,” Stamatakis said. “Cardiorespiratory fitness is an important causal determinant of cardiovascular disease. factor: people with lower fitness are more likely to experience cardiovascular disease.”
Previous research has shown that intermittent vigorous exercise can improve aerobic fitness in previously inactive people, Stamatakis said.
To explore how VILPA affects lifespan, Stamatakis and his colleagues turned to data from participants in the UK Biobank, a large biomedical database. Researchers focused on 25,241 participants with an average age of 62 years who agreed to wear an activity tracker on their wrists and reported not playing sports or exercising in their spare time.
Researchers analyzed participants’ activity data and found that, at 6.9 years of follow-up, participants who performed VILPA for 1-2 minutes three times a day had a 38% to 40% reduction in risk of dying from any cause. I know what I did. Risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is reduced by 48% to 49%.
I-Min Lee, Ph.D., a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and an epidemiologist and physical activity researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said the new findings are “very encouraging.” “Just living a normal life, it helps to alleviate some of your ‘inconveniences’, such as going up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. You can think of these bursts of activity as a quick workout snack. ”
How do you know if what you’re doing is vigorous enough?
“Climbing stairs at normal speed is already strenuous,” Lee said. “Basically, you can’t sing and you’re performing at a level so high that you can’t easily carry on a conversation.
For the inactive, “this is a good place to start,” says Joanna Contreras, Ph.D., director of the Mount Sinai Heart Failure Network and associate professor at the Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai, New York. “You can incorporate a little brisk activity into your daily routine and continue from there.”
“Keeping your body active is important, but it doesn’t have to be 45 minutes a day,” says Contreras. “If you don’t have time to go to the gym, there are other ways to stay active. I go up and down stairs at the hospital. I walk to the train. It’s important to include it.”
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