Need to maximize current resources while innovating to eradicate HIV
Maggie L. Shaw
“We’re in a very unusual situation. Now is the time to build a common denominator principle that can be applied to many, if not all, countries afflicted with the spread of HIV.” Said Anthony Fauci. MD, Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2nd day special live session of AIDS 2020.
“We are in a very unusual situation, so now is a good time to build a common denominator principle that can be applied to many, if not all, of the countries afflicted with the HIV epidemic. We need to change the situation, but I think the principles I’m explaining can really apply to the situation many people around the world are facing,” said Anthony Fauci. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Special live session on the second day of AIDS 2020.
“The End of HIV: Research Advances and Priorities” narrows the gap between people without service HIV Fauci often face the virus by fighting these gaps and wielding new tools to close the care gap.
- 14% of HIV-positive people do not know they are infected
- Nearly 38,000 people are diagnosed with HIV every year
- Men having sex with men (MSM), Black/African American individuals, and Hispanic/Latin American individuals are disproportionately burdened with the disease
What tools do we need to fully address these numbers and end this HIV epidemic? Fauci said that planning first requires a scientific basis, which includes (1) treatment, or co-morbidities associated with HIV (protease inhibitors, integrase inhibitors, fusion/entry/post-adhesion inhibitors), and ( 2) Prevention (eg education/behavior modification, fungicides, condoms).
Thinking outside the box is also helpful. So he talked about the importance of implementing a “game changer” around the idea that treatment equals prevention. ).
As TasP says, “it makes it virtually impossible for an individual to transmit the virus to their sexual partner, and in fact reveals that the undetectable is non-contagious in a scientifically sound manner.” It involves controlling the viral load. Also, for PrEP, if interpreted as directed, the success rate of preventing HIV transmission from sex is about 99%.
However, before implementing a plan or game changer, you need to address the obvious gaps that can impede your progress to HIV and AIDS, including the following areas:
- Under test
- Maintenance
- Harm reduction service
- Food/house security
- Human rights including stigma
A definition of the HIV vulnerability profile is also needed, which includes both demographic and geographical characteristics. Fauci reported that in 2018, the latest year to publish data, 45% of new HIV diagnoses occur in black/African Americans, despite only 13% of the US population However, 60% are MSM and this subpopulation, and 75% are under 35 years of age.
“There are fairly well-defined demographic groups in the United States that bear the disproportionate burden of HIV,” Forch said.
Geographically, 52% of all new HIV diagnoses occur in the South. In most years, more than 50% of new HIV infections occurred in 48 counties, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico. In addition, most of the new outbreaks occur in rural areas in seven predominantly southern states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Carolina).
What does this mean? Need to collect and disseminate data linking both basic and innovative science to effective approaches to signal interventions to end the HIV epidemic At the community level.
To this end, the National Institutes of Health AIDS Research Center contributes by providing collaborative research support. Stimulate scientific cooperation; supports research in basic, translational, implementation, and health policy. Fauci is also supporting research on HIV prevention and treatment for subpopulations in patients who are victims of care disparities, “since they have not been linked to the mainstream of testing for so long.”
“The key is to optimize HIV prevention and treatment toolkits in two ways,” he emphasized. “We will develop new and improved tools that maximize the implementation of what we have and address both treatment and prevention.”
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