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CDC prompts masking return as triple demic surge

CDC prompts masking return as triple demic surge
CDC prompts masking return as triple demic surge


Story outline

  • CDC asks the public to wear face masks indoors.

  • Many major cities are now considering a return to masking measures.

(new nation) — With growing concern nationwide over the rapid rise in infectious diseases that public health officials consider to be the trifecta of influenza, RSV, and COVID-19, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has once again urged people to wear masks indoors. We urge the public to wear them.

According to the affiliated office December 8 report13.7% of Americans currently live in communities rated “High” COVID-19 community level, up from 4.9% of the population last week. Additionally, 38.1% of her Americans belong to the ‘Medium’ region and 48.2% belong to the ‘Low’ region.

Many major cities are now considering a return to masking measures.

in California, 10+ countiesLos Angeles, Maricopa, Nassau, and San Bernardino, now in the “upper” tier.

Los Angeles County health officials are again strongly recommending that everyone wear a mask indoors.

Over the past week, hospitals in Los Angeles have seen an average of 1,245 COVID-positive patients each day. This is a nearly 20% increase over the last seven days.

“During these surge weeks, when you wear a mask, it’s about the people of LA County. It’s about every individual, every visitor, healthcare workers, essential workers, and others you serve. “Besides getting vaccinated, it’s one of the easiest things anyone can do right now,” wrote Los Angeles County Public Health Commissioner Barbara Feller. press release.

In New York, a health advisory notice was sent alerting hospitals, local health departments, emergency rooms and laboratories to prepare for a rapidly increasing number of cases of respiratory illness.

According to the latest CDC data, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island are orange, indicating a high risk level, while Manhattan is yellow, indicating a medium risk level.

On December 9, state officials encouraged schools to return to indoor masking To curb the spread of respiratory diseases.

As christmas and new year As families are expected to gather across the country, health officials are concerned that it could put a huge strain on our healthcare system if people don’t take proper precautions.

“Our immune systems have not recovered. Vaccine coverage is low. We are prime targets for other respiratory diseases as we let our guard down and start contacting other people.” said Bruce Hirsch, an infectious disease physician at Northwell Health.

Medical centers across America are reporting rising hospitalization rates, and nursing homes are pushing boosters for their residents.

As for RSV, those at greatest risk are children under 6 months who have not yet built a strong immune system.An RSV vaccine is reportedly available by this time next year.




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