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Flu activity ‘very high’ across Indiana News Sun

Flu activity ‘very high’ across Indiana News Sun


INDIANAPOLIS — Influenza continues to occur at “very high” levels in Indiana, and the state hasn’t even reached part of the season when activity typically peaks.

For the week ending Dec. 3, the Indiana Department of Health rated flu activity as “very high,” marking the second week in a row that levels were the most severe.

Influenza activity was much higher than normal throughout the season so far and monitoring began in October.

Health officials say the state is seeing high case numbers and has already recorded 20 flu-related deaths this year, so if you haven’t gotten your flu shot yet, go to the Hoosiers to get one. I am advising you to

In the week ending 3 December, 7.1% of complaints seen at sentinel outpatient facilities were for influenza-like illness, and 7.25% of visits to emergency care centers and hospital emergency rooms were due to influenza.

These rates have been very high not only in Indiana in general, but especially earlier this year.

Worst Flu Years – 2012-13, 2014-15, 2017-18 – Flu incidence reached 7% or more, but usually by the last week of December.

Now in week 9 of the monitoring season, the rate is typically 2% at worst, and often lower.

If there’s any good news in the weekly report, northeastern Indiana is the least affected part of the state, with just under 4% flu incidence in Health District 3, and the rest of central and southern Indiana. area has an incidence rate of 8%. % and more than 15% in the southeast corner.

Indiana has recorded 24 flu deaths as of December 3, including 18 deaths over the age of 65, 5 deaths between the ages of 50 and 64, and 1 death between the ages of 25 and 49. .

But a news release sent out by the Indiana Department of Health on Monday said the state just saw its first childhood flu death and won’t appear in the statewide report until Dec. 16.

Indiana typically sees about 100 to 150 flu deaths annually, but the number exceeds 200 during the most severe flu season.

The state saw significant declines in flu numbers in 2020-21 and 2021-22 as measures against COVID-19 had a positive effect on reducing other types of respiratory illness such as influenza. .

However, this year was not the case. Americans are being hit by a viral “triple infection” that includes COVID-19, the flu, and the respiratory syncytial virus known as RSV.

Of the specimens tested at IDOH labs so far this year, influenza A appears to be the circulating strain in the state, with test results for the 2009 A/H1N1 strain and the influenza A/H3 seasonal variant. was positive.

“Like many states, Indiana is currently experiencing very high levels of flu activity,” said state health commissioner Dr. Chris Box. “With upcoming vacations, travels and family gatherings, it is more important than ever to protect yourself and those around you from this highly contagious respiratory infection. It continues to be a well-suited strain and is our best defense against serious and possibly tragic consequences.”

With so many respiratory illnesses now prevalent, hospitals in Indiana are experiencing a significant increase in patient numbers, said Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association.

“Hospitalizations are now trending above last year’s levels, and at this pace, Indiana could match or exceed the record levels of hospitalizations seen during the peak of COVID-19. said Mr Tabor. “As of this week, hospitalizations have surged 15%, taking him to over 11,000.”

Tabor and Box urged the Hoosiers to seek routine screenings for respiratory illnesses and treatment for minor symptoms through emergency care centers and family physicians’ offices rather than emergency departments whenever possible.

“Our hospitals are currently dealing with the triple impact of influenza, RSV and COVID-19 in addition to the usual emergencies and illnesses, and we are keeping emergency rooms open for urgently needed Hoosiers. I would like to,” said Box.

Dr. Jeffrey Boord, chief quality and safety officer at Parkview Health, said while a wave of flu is collapsing in the system in northeastern Indiana, other circulating viruses are complicating matters.

“Parkview Health is now seeing an increase in flu cases, especially among school-aged children, earlier than in a typical flu season,” Boord said last week. “COVID-19 cases have not increased, but are consistent. A small number of patients have both her COVID and the flu, often resulting in hospitalization.

“In addition to COVID and influenza, group A streptococci or group A streptococci are spreading at high rates in our community. For most patients this causes strep throat or sinusitis. , Group A streptococci can lead to serious complications if not treated properly.

Parkview Health has not yet introduced visitor restrictions across its campuses, but during periods of high flu activity it is common practice to try to protect both staff and patients from the introduction of disease into the facility. is.

Bode recommends that residents of northeastern Indiana get both a COVID-19 vaccine or booster and an annual flu shot to reduce the chances of spreading the epidemic, especially where large indoor gatherings are common. advised to intensify prevention prior to vacations that produce .

People should wash their hands frequently and stay home if they are sick to prevent spreading the virus to others.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months and older get the flu vaccine annually. Babies younger than 6 months cannot be vaccinated, so it is important that anyone in a household where young babies live or visit is vaccinated against the flu to protect their children. . Healthcare workers are strongly urged to get the flu vaccine to reduce the risk of transmitting the disease to their patients.

After vaccination, it takes about two weeks for the body to develop antibodies that protect against influenza. The flu vaccine, which protects against two of her COVID-19 strains, including new subspecies, can be given at the same time as a new he COVID-19 booster, Box said.

Anyone can get the flu, but some people are at higher risk of flu-related complications such as pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Those most at risk for complications from influenza are pregnant women, young children (especially those too young to be vaccinated), people with chronic illnesses, immunocompromised people, and the elderly. It is especially important that individuals are vaccinated annually.

Common signs and symptoms of influenza include:

Fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit

• headache

• Malaise

• cough

• muscle pain

• sore throat

• runny or stuffy nose

People can help prevent the spread of the flu by washing their hands frequently and thoroughly, avoiding touching their eyes, nose and mouth with their hands, and staying home when sick. To prevent the spread of disease, the “three Cs” should be practiced.

Cleanliness: Wash your hands properly and frequently with warm, soapy water.

Cover: Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or a disposable tissue.

Containment: Stay home from school or work when sick to prevent the spread of germs.

To learn more about the flu, or to view IDOH’s weekly flu report, updated every Friday, visit: also has a flu dashboard, with weekly flu reports updated every Friday. The dashboard shows Indiana’s flu surveillance activity on a weekly basis. Historical influenza surveillance data is available along with county and local level data along with this week’s age group breakdown.




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