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How physical and occupational therapists are helping long-term Covid patients

How physical and occupational therapists are helping long-term Covid patients


Treating people for the long COVID – i.e. symptoms If it lasts longer than 4 weeks after COVID infection, it can be very complicated due to various issues related to the condition.

While there is no “one size fits all” treatment, there is growing recognition of the importance of relevant health professionals, such as physical and occupational therapists, in providing treatment to people during different stages of COVID.

We are still learning about the long COVID, but these experts can adjust exercise trainingbreathing techniques, and ways to safely manage fatigue to help people return to their normal roles and routines.

The exact mechanism of prolongation of COVID-19 remains unknown, but current evidence suggests that prolonged COVID virus may trigger an ongoing cascade of inflammatory and immune responses in the body. .

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This results in signs and symptoms in multiple body systems, including the respiratory and autonomic nervous systems, which regulate functions such as heart rate, breathing, and the autonomic nervous system. digestionThis could explain common symptoms of COVID over the long term, such as brain fog, fatigue, headaches, trouble breathing, and changes in taste and smell.

Estimates suggest that somewhere between 5% and 50% of people infected with COVID develop long-term COVID.

Associated health professionals, such as physical and occupational therapists who are not doctors, dentists, nurses, or midwives but who provide specialized care, are particularly effective in managing COVID signs and symptoms over the long term.

This may be because they are accustomed to working collaboratively with their patients to strategize and work toward functional goals.

Exercise training is the most common treatment prescribed by physical therapists to help long-term COVID patients.
Studies show that exercise programs can help people with long-term COVID-19 experience fatigue, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing and exercise intolerance.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an exercise and educational program, often led by a physical therapist, designed to help people with ongoing lung disease. Programs like these have been shown to be effective for people who have had COVID for a long time.
However, not all exercise programs are suitable for all long-term COVID-19 patients. For some people with ongoing fatigue problems, starting with a graduated exercise program that progresses through different positions can also be effective in improving exercise fitness and reducing fatigue levels. target.

Repetitive motion training, such as range of motion exercises, may be prescribed for joint and/or muscle pain and stiffness. Other treatments such as fall prevention, Strengthening and balance training are also suitable for people with long-term COVID-induced decline in athletic performance, deconditioning, and muscle wasting.

Excessive exercise can slow recovery, so it’s important to seek advice from a physical therapist before starting exercise. Because symptoms can fluctuate over time, a thorough assessment of cardiac function and fatigue symptoms before resuming exercise and close monitoring during exercise are essential.

Aside from prescribing an exercise program, physical therapists can offer strategies on how to manage shortness of breath, a common symptom of long-term COVID. For example, physical therapists often teach people how to relax and take controlled breaths to recover from episodes of shortness of breath.

People who have had COVID for a long time may feel an ongoing need. cough Or clean your breasts. Secretion clearance techniques such as active cycle breathing can help.

Inspiratory muscle training includes specific exercises prescribed to strengthen the respiratory (breathing) muscles. This often involves taking deep breaths through a device that provides resistance.

While this form of training has proven useful for some people with long-term COVID, it may not be beneficial for all patients.
It is important to talk to a physical therapist about the best breathing technique for your symptoms. Treatments for people who have had COVID-19 for a long time are most effective when they are tailored to the individual.

Beyond rehabilitation exercises, physical and occupational therapists can offer personalized strategies to manage symptoms and enhance people’s participation in work and daily life over the long term. COVID.
For example, developing strategies to enhance or compensate for deficits in attention and memory, and planning routines to cope with fatigue so that people can resume their normal roles and routines. I can.

Other health care professionals can also offer personalized treatment to help you recover.A psychologist may offer non-pharmacological treatments to improve anxiety and depressionA speech pathologist may help someone with persistent hoarseness.

If COVID is long-lasting, ask your doctor to refer you to a multidisciplinary long-term COVID program that works with different types of health care professionals, or to specific health care professionals depending on your symptoms.

Multidisciplinary programs have been found to be most effective in managing COVID patients over the long term. There are several long her COVID clinics in Australia that provide monitoring and treatment. But there is an urgent need to set up more facilities across the country.

Prolonged COVID symptoms can be debilitating, but many appear to improve over time. However, you may be able to recover faster with the help of a physical or occupational therapist.

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