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World Cup is not a MERS super spreader event

World Cup is not a MERS super spreader event


The UK Health Security Agency (HSA) has warned doctors across the UK that football fans returning from Qatar may be infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

according to it new york daily news, quotes metroloaded it Sunyou may have learned it from daily mailwhich says The Times reported it — although London newspapers apparently do not I wrote about MERS in a good amount of time.

However, this memo is not available in any HSA channel. Australian health authorities shared some information about MERS on its site on December 2, saying that all travelers returning from the Middle East (including those attending the World Cup) should be aware of the symptoms. rice field.

However, this is a normal notification. A type common to those who travel to parts of the world where they may be exposed to diseases not found in their country of origin.of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has something similar, HSA has something similar, but neither mention the world cup.

It’s important to know about the health risks associated with travel, but there’s not much you can do here. Fans returning from the World Cup are unlikely to spread MERS, much less cause another pandemic.

However, it shows how the disease progresses. can Stir up xenophobia.

What is MERS

MERS, like covid, is a coronavirus. Its symptoms are similar to the flu and COVID-19, including shortness of breath, fever, cough, sore throat, muscle and stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

But when it comes to the behavior of the virus, it has fewer similarities to covid than it differs. First, MERS does not spread easily. Since 2012, MERS he has only 2,500 confirmed cases, while covid he has over 650 million cases. On the one hand, it is far more lethal, killing her 35% of patients.that is difficult to convey It replicates in the lower respiratory tract and is instead caught by direct contact with sick camels (who actually get less sick from MERS) or by drinking unpasteurized camel milk.

One disease, two bad names

Sensational headlines about MERS have fueled all sorts of extremes. reader reaction. T.The name of the disease itself is problematic, as it associates the virus with a place. Add stigma and is confusing. One of his biggest outbreaks of MERS was in South Korea, where in 2015 he got 200 sick.Because of this risk, the United Nations It is recommended not to name Pathogen after place, The day before MERS such guidelines.

Worse still is the “camel flu” that the press and others often use as an alternative to MERS. The disease is indeed transmitted by camels, but the label evokes stereotypical images of the Gulf States, fosters xenophobia, and unwittingly suggests an association between the Gulf States and the disease. There is also the risk of confusing: some experts Pointed out, there is a possibility of that name “camel flu” minimize Severity of illness.




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