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Survey results show that confidence in the UK health system has been “seriously destroyed” GPS


According to the chairman of the Patient Safety Study, which is very critical as a series of medical scandals “seriously broke” trust in the medical system, women must switch GPs if doctors are unsympathetic.

Mrs Julia Camberleage, who led reviews of three individual medical scandals, said she hopes the discovery will serve as an awakening call for a radical change in NHS culture.

One empowering step that patients, especially women, can already take is to change their GP if they encounter a dismissal attitude, she advised. “If you find your GP isn’t doing the best for you, you should change,” she said. “You need someone you can trust, and who works for you and ensures you are taken seriously.”

Cumber Regis said it is very annoying to have too many women affected by epilepsy medications Sodium valproate, Vaginal mesh And hormone pregnancy test Primodof Dismissed in the face of urgent safety concerns. Often, their problems were said to be “all in head,” or simply menopause, she said.

Primodos, which is associated with birth defects, has not been used as a pregnancy test since the 1970s, and the widespread use of vaginal mesh as a treatment for incontinence or prolapse has been suspended in the UK. But even today, in this review, women with epilepsy are taking sodium valproate and are not informed about the significant risks during pregnancy.

“This drug harms the unborn child, and pregnant mothers are unaware of the facts and the associated risks,” she said. “Hundreds of women are taking valproic acid when they are pregnant and not informed about the risks. Health professionals simply don’t notify them. Regulators aren’t doing what they should be doing. And no one is tracking the affected, and as a result, the dire lack of support and help is obvious.”

The review did not recommend that pregnant women be banned from prescribing sodium valproate, but said this should only occur after the woman is fully informed about all risks. “We had a woman who said, “I knew I hadn’t taken this medicine before,” said Cumberrage. “They didn’t know they were half as likely. One in two babies who were damaged-what a tragedy.”

The study was commissioned by former Secretary of Health Jeremy Hunt in 2018 to investigate a scandal of three people, but found that the underlying issues of the study were systematic and widespread. ..

Cumberrage also said that innovations in medicine and medical implants saved lives, but at the cost of catastrophic harm. “Innovations without pre-market testing, post-market monitoring, and post-market monitoring are very simply dangerous,” she said. She was also unable to collect data on patient outcomes Pharmaceutical and healthcare product regulators, Was “blind”. “Acting quickly to prevent harm is impossible without good data,” she said.

Simon Whale, a member of the review panel, said the three scandals focused on the investigation are unlikely to be unique as systematic issues were revealed. “Sadly, it’s very likely that there are other areas where similar problems, mistakes, and tragedy have occurred,” he said.

Camberrage said it was difficult to criticize the NHS when doctors and health professionals were acclaimed as the heroes of their jobs during the Covid-19 crisis, but the report says the world “advances”. Said need to be issued before.

At a press conference she said she was “surprised” by the government as planned Major speech It was “on the grid for three or four weeks,” so Prime Minister Rishi Sunak did the same day the study was published.

On Wednesday, Secretary of Health Matt Hancock said: They took to hear their voice.

“This report is an awakening call to a system to address patient concerns. One of the most striking things I’ve found in conversations with some badly affected women is that they Not only is it suffering from pain, it’s a deep frustration that no authoritative one will ever hear, and we’ve listened to.This report details these painful explanations. I am saying.”

The government is expected to respond more closely to the House report on Thursday.

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