type 2 diabetes with hyperglycemia
Blood glucose level | |||
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dL) | Random blood glucose level (mg/dL) | Hemoglobin A1c | |
usually | <100 | none | <5.7% |
prediabetes | 100—125 | none | 5.7—6.4% |
Diabetes | 126 or more | 200 or more | 6.5% or more |
type 2 diabetes with hyperglycemia
type 2 diabetes Your blood sugar levels are high because your body can’t make enough insulin or not using insulin effectively. Insulin is a hormone made by the body pancreas and secreted into the blood. There, it signals cells throughout the body to use blood sugar for energy.
What is insulin resistance?
insulin resistance A condition in which the body makes insulin but the cells do not respond normally. Increasingly higher levels of insulin are required for glucose to enter cells, and over time, blood sugar builds up in the blood. Risk factors for insulin resistance include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, I have a family history of diabetes.
Nearly 1 in 10 people in the United States have diabetes, the majority of whom have type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can take years to develop. Many people have no subjective symptoms because there are no subjective symptoms in the early stages.
A mild rise in blood sugar may not cause symptoms. However, at higher levels, you may experience symptoms such as:
- increased thirst
- increased urination
- Malaise
- blurry vision
Very high blood sugar can lead to two dangerous conditions: hyperglycemia hyperosmolarity syndrome (HHS) or Diabetes Ketoacidosis (DKA). Signs of these potentially life-threatening conditions include:
- sweet scented breath
- nausea
- vomiting
- stomach ache
- rapid breathing or shortness of breath
- confusion or coma
Risk factor
there are many Factors affecting the development of diabetes Hyperglycemia, including:
- Family history of type 2 diabetes
- sedentary life
- metabolic syndrome (abnormal cholesterol, abdominal fat, elevated blood pressure)
- A history of diabetes during pregnancy (known as pregnant Diabetes)
Elevated blood sugar levels can damage organs throughout the body and increase the risk of:
Treating hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes requires a combination of lifestyle, diet, and medications. Lowering blood sugar can reduce the risk of complications.some people can even put diabetes into remission These steps free you from drugs that lower blood sugar levels.
A healthy lifestyle can help lower blood sugar levels and control type 2 diabetes. This includes:
Diet is a big contributor to blood sugar control, and fortunately, it’s something we have a lot of control over to control blood sugar levels.
People with diabetes should eat a low-calorie diet glycemic load (low ability to raise blood sugar) helps prevent hyperglycemia. Diabetics should consider the following when planning their diet:
- reduce total carbohydrate intake.
- Avoid simple carbohydrates such as pastries and white bread.
- Opt for whole grains such as brown rice instead of white rice and whole wheat instead of white bread or pasta.
- Avoid sugary drinks such as sodas and juices.
- gain fiber intake.
- Reduce portion sizes.
If you have type 2 diabetes, your health care provider may recommend drugs that lower blood sugar to control high blood sugar. various types of oral medications that lower blood sugarYour healthcare provider will work with you to find medications that you can tolerate and that work for you. It is essential to adhere to the dosing regimen presented by your healthcare provider and avoid missing doses.
If oral medications and diet and lifestyle changes alone are not enough to lower blood sugar levels, health care providers may recommend injections or injections. insulinIf you have been prescribed insulin, it becomes important to check your blood sugar at home.
In addition to drugs that lower blood sugar levels, your health care provider may recommend other drugs to lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Blood sugar levels can be thought of as ranging from normal to pre-diabetic to diabetic. It can take years for diabetes to develop, but in the meantime, screening can detect prediabetes and initiate the transition to diabetes. reduce the risk Development of type 2 diabetes.
Lifestyle and diet changes can also be implemented to prevent diabetes diagnosis. Additionally, if you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, your health care provider may prescribe a drug called Diabetes. Glucophage (metformin).
Hyperglycemia, or elevated blood sugar levels, is part of type 2 diabetes and can lead to complications that affect various organs and increase the risk of heart disease. It may not be possible to control all risk factors for type 2 diabetes, but they can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and diet. Treatment of diabetes should follow the same steps as prevention, in addition to blood sugar-lowering drugs to prevent complications.
A word from Verywell
Diagnosing type 2 diabetes can be overwhelming. When it comes to controlling blood sugar levels, know that things are not completely out of control. .
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