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Can I test for influenza and RSV at home?

Can I test for influenza and RSV at home?
Can I test for influenza and RSV at home?


(NEXSTAR) – The country now appears to be collectively fighting a number of viruses. Influenza hits communities, and the RSV virus overcrowds hospitals with sick young patients.

So if you’re one of many sick Americans right now and you’ve already tested negative for COVID-19, you may be wondering what you’re infected with. Is it the flu, RSV, or just a cold?

Unfortunately, confirming a test for influenza and RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is not as convenient as a rapid test for COVID-19, but there are still many options. It is a common cause of cold-like symptoms.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spokesperson James McKinney told Nexstar:

This is unfortunate for people who have the flu because, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), existing antiviral drugs are most effective when started a day or two after symptoms begin. is.

You may not be able to get results at home, but there are test kits available at home. labcorp The FDA approved it under Emergency Use Authorization earlier this year. Testing for COVID-19, flu, and RSV can be done by self-wiping the kit and sending it to the lab for analysis. If you don’t have insurance or meet the criteria for the $0 upfront cost option, the price is steep at $169.

McKinney said there are “some home-collection tests for influenza/COVID, too,” if not for RSV. CVS also offers in-store flu testing at Minute Clinic locations.

If you’re determined to figure out what you have after experiencing symptoms, health care providers at hospitals and emergency centers can test you for both influenza and RSV.

‘Triple Demic’ Hits US

The flu season in the US is getting worse and worse. Providers are already busy treating a series of her RSV patients, many of them children, who require hospitalization.

The CDC said Monday that there may be reason to hope RSV cases are leveling off in some parts of the country, but the same cannot be said for influenza.

Health officials said Friday that 7.5% of outpatient visits last week were due to flu-like illness. is also higher.

“It turns out that all the cold gathering indoors is good for respiratory viruses and bad for symptoms,” CDC director Rochelle Walensky said at a media briefing Monday. , there are other pathogens out there, and we want to make sure that people can do something, like vaccines, flu, COVID prevention, and antivirals, flu, COVID It is an intervention by

The annual winter flu season usually doesn’t start until December or January, but this season starts early and is complicated by other viruses spreading at the same time.

Clinic traffic measurements are based on reports of symptoms such as cough and sore throat rather than laboratory-confirmed diagnoses.

CDC officials estimate there were at least 8.7 million illnesses, 78,000 hospitalizations and 4,500 flu deaths this year, including 14 childhood deaths.

Dr. Wallenski also mentioned COVID-19. COVID-19, which has not seen an unusually high infection rate so far, is starting to tick higher.

“Over the past week, we’ve started to see an unfortunate and expected increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations nationwide after the Thanksgiving holiday,” Wallenski said. And the increase in hospitalizations is particularly worrying as we move into the winter months, when more people congregate indoors with less ventilation.”




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