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Streptococcus A: ‘Critical Shortage Protocol’ Issued for Three Streptococcal Penicillins

Streptococcus A: ‘Critical Shortage Protocol’ Issued for Three Streptococcal Penicillins
Streptococcus A: ‘Critical Shortage Protocol’ Issued for Three Streptococcal Penicillins



The government has issued a “severe shortage protocol” for three penicillin treatments. Streptococcus A.

A policy change means: pharmacist It enables the provision of “special alternative medicine” and eliminates the need for patients to return to their prescribing physician.

Earlier this week, Health Secretary Steve Berkley denied there was a shortage of drugs used to treat streptococcus.

An unseasonably early rise in Strep A infections among schoolchildren has increased demand for penicillin V and amoxicillin, which are used to treat this disease.

With a total of 16 children dying from invasive group A streptococcal disease (iGAS) in recent weeks, health officials have lowered prescription thresholds for both drugs, boosting demand.

Health Minister Will Quince said:

“These acute shortage protocols will allow pharmacists to supply alternative forms of penicillin, making things easier for pharmacists, patients, and general practitioners.”

He said the government is working with manufacturers and wholesalers to “speed up deliveries, bring forward the inventory needed to ensure it reaches where it’s needed, and increase supply to meet demand as quickly as possible.” rice field.

There are nine other SSPs currently active. It has previously been used to improve access to hormone replacement therapy drugs.

The critical protocol issued Thursday applies to the following medicines:

– Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg/5ml oral solution sugar-free

・Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg/5ml oral solution

– Phenoxymethylpenicillin 125mg/5ml oral solution sugar-free

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHSC) said the change would give pharmacies “flexibility” to offer alternative treatments when penicillin is out of stock.

On Wednesday, the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) launched an investigation into the prices of Strep A antibiotics after allegations by pharmacists that wholesalers charged them exorbitant prices.

Dr Layla Hambeck, chief executive of the Independent Multiple Pharmacy Association, told The Standard her members had reported being charged £15 for the drug and only £2 reimbursed by the NHS. .

“All pharmacists are dismayed by what is unfolding before our eyes. The current pharmacy financial situation is terrible. They are losing thousands of pounds. And this is in addition to significantly higher energy costs.”

A CMA spokesperson said:

“There is no doubt that it is illegal for a dominant company to charge excessive prices or for companies to collude to push prices higher.”

Many pharmacists also complain of stock shortages.Some parents of children suffering from streptococcus describe the process of sourcing antibiotics from pharmacies as a ‘nightmare’.




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