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Maine reports 20 new COVID-19 cases as testing expands


Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 20 new cases of COVID-19, with no new deaths on Wednesday. The state is currently testing more people and is finding fewer cases of disease caused by the coronavirus.

The state has passed for five consecutive days with fewer than 25 new cases. The 7-day average is 23.7 new cases versus 39.6 one week ago.

In the meantime, the positive rate-a key metric that helps track viral transmission-has continued to fall. Dr. Nilav Shah, director of the main CDC, said Wednesday The daily positive rate was 0.79% and the average over the 7 days was 1.28%.

The lower the rate, the more likely health workers in Maine will find most cases. This means that containment efforts that isolate COVID-19 and its close contacts are likely to stop the transmission of the virus.

“This is one of the numbers we’re most paying attention to and most paying attention to,” Shah said Wednesday. “We shouldn’t use this as an opportunity to celebrate, but there are good signs on the horizon.”

The cumulative positive rate was 3.58% on Wednesday, well below the 5% to 6% in April and May. In other parts of the country where the number of cases is rising, the positive rate is over 20%, especially in Florida, Arizona and South Carolina.

But Shah said Maine has “much more to do to expand the overall amount of testing across the state.”

According to Shah, the expansion of testing continues through a partnership with Westbrook-based Ixx Labs, but some of the lab equipment needed for the mobile lab at Augusta is lagging. The main CDC lab was able to fully expand to 32,000 tests per week because it didn’t know when the equipment would arrive, but it continues to expand. Combined with a private lab, Maine currently runs about 15,000 tests weekly, about five times more than in April and May.

A total of 3,460 cases of COVID-19 have occurred in Maine since the beginning of the pandemic. As of Wednesday, more than 40 people in Maine have recovered, and there are currently 494 active cases of the disease, down 20 from Tuesday.

A woman walks through dock square in Kennebunkport on Tuesday. Photo of staff by Gregory Rec

The number of cases varies from day to day, but Maine has not yet experienced the large spikes and record highs seen in other states, especially in the South and West. According to the Worldometer COVID-19 tracking website, Maine had the 7th lowest nationwide infection rate as of Wednesday.

Shah also discussed the challenges of a school restart plan.

“Our basic presumption when we think about schools is that schoolchildren should go to physical instruction in class in the fall,” Shah said. But he said the school needs to be ready for face-to-face, complete distance learning, or mixed, in response to the viral epidemic this fall.

Autumn high school sports can also be affected. Shah said plans similar to Vermont, which delayed the start of autumn sports, are “mainly under discussion”, but no final decision has been made. Vermont has postponed the start of practice until the first day of school. This means regular season matches will start a few weeks later than usual.

The current hospitalization stood at 22 on the same Wednesday as Tuesday. Nine patients were on emergency care and four were on ventilator. The number of hospitalized patients for COVID-19 peaked in late May, but since then, the number of hospitalized patients has been declining almost daily.

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