Parkinson’s cases may be 50% higher than estimated
- Researchers say there are 90,000 possible Parkinson’s diagnoses in the United States each year, up from an earlier estimate of 60,000.
- Experts say aging populations and better detection of disease may be two factors.
- They hope the new numbers will lead to increased funding for research, and a renewed focus on finding cures for disease and new treatments.
Previous Estimate suggests there are about 60,000 new diagnoses Parkinson’s disease annually in the United States.
However, according to one study, that number may be closer to 90,000 diagnoses per year.
In addition to the latest incidence rates, researchers report for Parkinson’s disease:
- For those over 65, it increases with age.
- It is diagnosed more often in men than in women.
- It is more common in some parts of the United States, such as the Rust Belt (parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, and other areas with a history of heavy industrial manufacturing), Southern California, Southeastern Texas, Central Pennsylvania, and Florida.
The researchers noted that an aging population likely contributed to the estimated 50% higher estimate of Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.
Other potential causes are:
A better awareness, understanding, and awareness of the disease and its symptoms also improves diagnosis.
“Knowing these numbers is essential,” he said. James BeckPh.D., Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Parkinson Foundation and one of the study’s authors.
“This is important data that advocates and policy makers need to know to increase funding for research and help patients and their families,” he told Healthline.
There are currently no drugs that slow or prevent the progression of Parkinson’s disease.
“Another reason why knowing prevalence is important is because of its impact on drug development,” he said. Dr. Andrew FaginExecutive Director of NYU Langone’s Marlene and Paolo Fresco Institute for Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders.
“Drug companies are allocating money and resources to developing drugs that help large segments of the population,” Feigin told Healthline. “With potentially 90,000 new diagnoses per year and about 1 million people living with the condition, pharmaceutical companies are devoting more resources to treating[Parkinson’s disease]and possibly We can decide to develop new drugs that prevent it.”
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that causes unintended or uncontrolled movements, including stiffness, tremors, and problems with balance and coordination.
Its exact cause is unknown. Symptoms usually progress slowly over time. It may be mild at first and then gradually worsen.
“One of the main messages of this study is the importance of developing a potentially simple early screening test. [Parkinson’s] It can be done by doctors in other specialties who see older people (gerontologists, dementia specialists, etc.).” Dr. Pietro Mazzoniassociate professor of neurology and co-director of the Movement Disorders Division at The Ohio State University.
“This was motivated by finding significant discrepancies between two pairs of data sets. [Parkinson’s] It’s a very old age incidence,” Mazzoni told Healthline. “These are datasets with unreliable diagnostics and may be underestimated.”
According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, there are currently no laboratory or imaging tests to diagnose Parkinson’s disease. Your doctor or family doctor may make the diagnosis based on your symptoms.
The diagnostic criteria for Parkinson’s disease are:
- bradykinesia – slow movement
- tremors or tremors in the limbs at rest
- Stiffness or stiffness in the arms, legs, or torso
- lose balance and fall
“Early symptoms can vary from patient to patient,” he said. Dr. Jean-Philippe LangevinHe is a neurosurgeon and director of the Restorative Neurosurgery and Deep Brain Stimulation Program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Providence St. John’s Health Center, California.
“Often, people start noticing tremors in their hands. Occasionally, patients may feel a pulling or stiffness sensation in the muscles and will seek medical help for this condition.
“Patients should ask their doctor about any symptoms, such as tremors or stiffness, that don’t seem to get better after a few weeks,” he added. If therapy doesn’t help, more research will be needed to find out the cause.”
according to Parkinson Foundationthe early symptoms are:
“If you believe that you or a loved one may have [Parkinson’s]you start with your doctor and then neurologist If there is a good reason,” Beck said.
Doctors may also recommend physical or occupational therapy.
“The average age of diagnosis is 60,” said Feigin. “But people can live from it for many years. After diagnosis, doctors usually evaluate symptoms and their impact on daily life. It may delay treatment.While Parkinson’s disease does not reduce life expectancy, it can reduce quality of life.”
treatment only affects symptoms.
“There are no treatments known to slow or reverse the brain changes caused by: [Parkinson’s]said Mazzoni.
there is no single method to treat Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson Foundation.
Treatment is individualized. An exercise specialist will assess your symptoms and work with you to develop a treatment plan. People often have a treatment team made up of themselves, neurologists, therapists, care partners, and other health care professionals who treat specific conditions.
“The main treatment options for Parkinson’s disease are exercise therapy, pharmacotherapy, and neuromodulation,” explains Langevin. “Fortunately, all three options are not mutually exclusive and work synergistically. In general, drugs work to increase levels of dopamine in the brain to compensate for the lacking supply. In neuromodulation, electrodes are inserted into the brain to deliver small electrical currents.Because the treatment is continuous, it is always effective in reducing symptoms, and when the drug stops working between doses, a large amount of electrical current is delivered. It can make a difference.”
Some of the commonly used drugs are:
“Another important treatment modality is physical intervention,” says Mazzoni. “physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapyand a group of less formal but increasingly popular approaches, such as dancing, boxing, and other activities adapted to varying degrees, suitable for people with disabilities [Parkinson’s]”
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