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Ally Medical’s Difference Between RSV, Influenza, and COVID-19

Ally Medical’s Difference Between RSV, Influenza, and COVID-19
Ally Medical’s Difference Between RSV, Influenza, and COVID-19


Whether you’re at work, at school, or on the go, you’ve probably heard someone gasping and coughing. He may be one of the three culprits this year. You may have heard him called “Triple Demic”.

Dr. Suprina Dorai of Ally Medical Emergency Room joins Stephanie Gilbert, co-host of Studio 512, for more details.

Tell me more about RSV, influenza and COVID. Please tell me if it really is a new pandemic.

“The latest data from FluView, CDC’s interactive online application, ‘Very High’ Levels of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) in Texas, placing our state at the top of the nation for activity levels. “

“The CDC’s COVID-19 data tracker shows that COVID infections are on the rise in Texas, but overall, community levels in much of the state are still believed to be low.”

“Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, typically occurs in late fall, winter, and early spring. doing.”

“While we typically see an increase in respiratory virus cases at this time of year, this particular flu and RSV season has been higher than usual. ‘s healthcare system is under more pressure.”

What is the difference between RSV, influenza and COVID?

“RSV, influenza and COVID-19 are respiratory viruses. These viruses affect the respiratory system, the network of tissues and organs that help you breathe.”

“Cough, runny nose and fever are common to all respiratory viruses. To make an accurate diagnosis, we usually have to rely on laboratory tests.”

The Subtle Differences Between RSV, Influenza, and COVID-19


“RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a virus that infects nearly all children by the age of two. In addition to coughing, runny nose, and fever, the hallmark symptom of RSV is wheezing. Wheezing occurs when children breathe. It just sounds like a whistle or a rattle.”

Most children recover from RSV on their own, but it can sometimes lead to serious illness, including:

  • Bronchiolitis — swelling of the small airways in your child’s lungs
  • Pneumonia — an infection of your child’s lungs

“Although RSV can infect people of all ages, it is most serious in young children and the elderly. About 60,000 children under the age of five are admitted to hospitals for RSV each year.”


“The characteristic symptom of influenza is a very high fever. In addition to other respiratory symptoms, influenza often causes a high fever of 103 or 104 degrees Fahrenheit. , which is not unique to influenza, but is often worse than other viruses.”

“Children under the age of five, especially those under the age of two, are at increased risk of complications from influenza.”

These include:

  • dehydration
  • inflammation of the heart, brain, or muscle tissue
  • pneumonia
  • sinus and ear infections

“Each year between 7,000 and 26,000 children develop symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization.”

COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease)

“The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the flu and RSV. But unlike other viruses, COVID-19 can severely affect body systems other than the lungs. Viruses can also do this, but COVID can cause long-term effects such as brain fog.”

“Some symptoms that seem unique to COVID-19 are actually common to respiratory viruses.”

for example:

Loss of taste and smell: Many viruses, including those that cause the common cold and flu, can affect your sense of taste and smell.

Vomiting and Diarrhea: Up to 30% of children infected with respiratory viruses have gastrointestinal symptoms.

When/how should I test at home?

“Each of these viruses can be more severe in people who are very young, very old, or have pre-existing medical conditions.”

“We all know about quick COVID tests at home, and PCR tests sent to labs can confirm Covid, flu, or RSV.”

“A home test can help with early detection. If you have the flu, you might have the option of taking Tamiflu to shorten the duration of your symptoms. It can reduce the spread of the disease.”

when should i go to the doctor

“As with any respiratory infection, if you have trouble breathing, or experience vomiting or diarrhea so severe that you cannot eat or drink, or your symptoms do not improve or get worse after 5 days. If so, you should contact your doctor immediately.”

“With hospitals and doctors under increasing strain this winter, options like Ally Medical will not only save time, but will also provide expert care.”

“Allie Medical operates five self-contained emergency rooms located in Bastrop, South and Central Austin, Clear Lake, Round Rock, and Spring, Texas.”

“No appointments are required. Patients can come in at any time of the day or night, with virtually no waiting time. Each Ally Medical Emergency Room is designed to treat minor and major medical emergencies for children and adults of all ages in a safe, stress-free environment. We are equipped to treat the situation.”

“If you can’t see your primary care doctor, or if you don’t have one, visit Ally Medical and experience our reimagined care. You don’t need it. But our promise to our patients is simple.

If you or someone you know needs to get tested, or want to learn more about Ally Medical and its 4 locations in the Austin area, Go to

This segment is paid for by Ally Medical Emergency Room and is intended as an advertisement. Opinions expressed by guests on this show are solely those of the guests and are not endorsed by this television station.




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