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New Jersey infant dies from flu, ‘triple-demic’ hospitalization rises

New Jersey infant dies from flu, ‘triple-demic’ hospitalization rises


update: This article contains additional information about childhood flu deaths.

NEW JERSEY — A New Jersey child has died from the flu for the first time in three flu seasons.

The deaths occurred as the “triple infection,” a respiratory disease threat of COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), strained emergency departments and pediatrics across the country.

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The decedent was a boy, a spokesperson for the New Jersey Department of Health told Patch.

The deaths were revealed in the state health department’s weekly bulletin that monitors influenza and respiratory illness, reflecting information through the week ending December 10.

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during that week, 56,334 cases of influenza Reported in New Jersey. All regions of the state saw high levels of disease.

new jersey Last reported childhood flu death In early 2020, two children died that season, following six child deaths reported the previous year.

The flu resurgence comes as the state also reports the highest total number of hospitalizations for COVID-19 since mid-February.

The Biden administration resisted the plea The Medical Association declares a state of emergency over the nationwide surge in pediatric hospitalizations due to triple infections. But state officials have urged the public to stay up to date on vaccines, including bivalent COVID boosters and flu shots.

Governor Phil Murphy said: If they are sick, please go home. “

Meanwhile, federal health officials have recommended masking in public indoor spaces in 10 counties: Passaic, Bergen, Hudson, Essex, Union, Somerset, Middlesex, Monmouth, Warren and Cumberland.


CDC adopted community-level indicators. based on metrics Hospitalizations and Case Rates – Late February. The agency updates its color-coded COVID map every Thursday, recommending masks in counties with “high” community levels. Mask recommendations are not mandated in New Jersey, and people may choose to continue wearing masks under any circumstances.

Here’s how the Triple Demic continues to impact New Jersey.

new jersey hospital

State officials reported 1,377 hospitalized patients with confirmed or suspected COVID as of Wednesday. This is the highest tally in New Jersey since mid-February, when the first ohmic wave subsided. The Omicron surge peaked on Jan. 11 with 6,089 COVID hospitalizations across the state.

Meanwhile, New Jersey’s intensive care units are doing better than others. As of Friday, the patient occupied 47.4% of her ICU beds in New Jersey, while 78.8% of her ICU beds across the United States were occupied, according to federal data.

Additionally, 72.9% of inpatient beds in New Jersey are occupied, of which 6.1% are used for COVID. This ratio has become concerning when a COVID patient exceeds 10% of his hospital bed, with 20% representing “extreme stress.” according to the framework Developed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.

As of Thursday, 66% of New Jersey’s pediatric beds were occupied, according to the National Health Service. NBC news analysis of federal data.

severe flu season

New Jersey could be on the cusp of one of the worst flu seasons in recent history, with high flu activity detected everywhere in the state. Garden State is on pace to outperform the worst flu season in a decade on his three key indicators, according to the New Jersey Department of Health. Latest monitoring report:

  • The proportion of emergency room visits related to influenza-like illness decreased from the previous week, but remained at around 9%. That’s more than double his average incidence in her three worst flu seasons in the state in the last decade at this time of year.
(New Jersey Department of Health)
  • The rate of these visits leading to hospitalization also exceeds that of New Jersey’s worst flu season in the past decade.
(New Jersey Department of Health)
  • School absenteeism has declined slightly in recent weeks, but remains on pace to surpass the most severe flu season in recent memory.
(New Jersey Department of Health)

This season, 26 children in New Jersey, including infants who died, were admitted to the ICU with flu-related illness.

30 children nationwide died of a flu-like illness This season, according to the CDC.

Dalya Ewais, a spokesperson for the state health department, told Patch in an email.

“Due to the prevalence of COVID-19, influenza, RSV, and other respiratory viruses, the New Jersey Department of Health continues to encourage parents and caregivers to vaccinate their children against influenza and COVID-19. Children under the age of 5, especially those under the age of 2, are at higher risk of severe influenza. We encourage everyone to take daily precautions, such as staying home.

What else you should know

According to the CDC, 87 people died from COVID complications in New Jersey last week. The estimated national death toll from the virus totaled about 2,400 during that period.

According to Biobot Analytics, which monitors sewage related to public health, COVID levels in wastewater in the region have nearly doubled in the past month. Virus levels in wastewater often indicate his COVID prevalence in the community before delaying indicators such as hospitalization and death. The Northeast recorded his highest level of COVID concentration since January. Click here for data.

For more coronavirus numbers, state health department COVID-19 DashboardThe New York Times new jersey data page and CDC’s data tracker.

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