There are more than 20,000 cases of coronavirus. Incident rate of new cases in Orange County doubled from last week – Orange County registration
Orange County has exceeded 20,000 cases of coronavirus infection confirmed on Wednesday, July 8. Official COVID-19 counts were low compared to other parts of the state, one symptom of rapid growth in the county.
According to data from the Orange County Healthcare Agency, it took 12 June to reach a cumulative 10,000 cases in Orange County after the first infection was reported in late January. In less than a month, the county reached 20,225.
But during the pandemic – without collective immunity, incomplete knowledge, and perhaps without vaccines months ahead – a growing number of cases are given.
Related: Graph charting Wednesday updates from the Orange County Department of Health.
More important indicators record virus speed, hospital impact, and availability of lifesaving equipment.
Percentage of new COVID-19 cases by population, by county, Important measurements Daily tracked by state and local health authorities, doubling over the past week.
By Wednesday, 238 per 100,000 inhabitants of Orange County had been positive for two weeks. On June 29, the day Orange County landed on the state’s strict watch list, the rate was 109 per 100,000.
Counties that exceed a certain threshold, such as the percentage of cases Flagged and given special attention Slow local transmission. By Wednesday, 26 of 58 California counties were on the list.
Still in Los Angeles compared to the neighboring counties Highest case rate The orange rate was the highest since last week, with 281 reported per 100,000 on Wednesday.
The situation in Imperial County, which was badly hit, has improved somewhat. Wednesday’s case rate was 552 per 100,000, down from nearly 700 last week, but still the best in California. Hospitals across the state accepted patients to rescue two overwhelmed hospitals from Imperial County.
The Orange County Medical Center has received 31 transferees from Imperial County since April 1. By Monday, rural hospitals were treating six patients from rural border counties.
Governor Gavin Newtham Coronavirus restrictions tightened again Watchlist counties exposed to the wave of infection command the closure of certain indoor businesses for three weeks.
Since creating the watch list, Orange County has breached the third state benchmark: hospitalization increased by 10% in three days. But by Wednesday, the average increase had fallen to 9.4%.
The county hospital reported 679 patients admitted with COVID-19 on Wednesday. According to the Orange County emergency medical service, the level of all patients in the county’s 26 hospitals recently reached 71% capacity on Thursday, 2 July, then eased and settled to nearly half full by Monday. It was. To report..
Orange County remains green for the last two indicators tracking the impact of pandemics on local hospitals. On Wednesday, the intensive care beds and ventilators available in Orange County were still far above state requirements.
County health officials estimate that 9,174 people have recovered to date. Most people expect recovery to take about a month. The county now estimates that 10,675 are ill, after subtracting those who died and those who were estimated to have recovered.
Infections occurring in nursing homes and nursing homes, which have accounted for 6% of all coronavirus cases so far, are central to state and local health authorities.
inside that Evaluation Last week, state public health officials blamed the spread of infections in Orange County apartments as a major driver behind positive testing and increased hospitalization.
According to the Emergency Services Report, 61 skilled and nursing homes in Orange County experienced outbreaks defined as at least two cases of COVID-19 confirmed in group homes within two weeks. ..
And residents of these facilities account for a disproportionate number of deaths, accounting for more than half of the 376 COVID-19 deaths in the county.
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