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Has the flu, COVID and RSV surge finally peaked? Experts say maybe, and no

Has the flu, COVID and RSV surge finally peaked? Experts say maybe, and no


San Francisco (KGO) — New data generate new optimism and concern about the ‘triple epidemic’ virus surge. influenza, COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease)When RSV.

All three viruses remain at levels not seen in years, while RSV appears to have peaked and hospitalizations nationwide have fallen sharply since last month. But new flu hospitalizations released by the CDC on Friday and COVID-19 data from the California Department of Public Health paint a picture that continues to worry health professionals.

According to CDC data, there were more flu cases during this period than in any year since 2015. Hospitalization rates in 2020 and 2021 were lower than in many pre-pandemic years.

more: Health experts fear misinformation will lead to mistrust and increased illness

ABC7 Special Correspondent Dr. Alok Patel said:

A previous spike doesn’t necessarily mean we’re nearing the peak of the flu. Patel said this flu season could be longer than usual. Currently, hospitalizations for influenza are still on the rise nationwide.

RSV’s story is different. Her latest RSV hospitalization rate from the CDC shows that the peak may have been last month, but doctors say the risk remains.

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“What we’re seeing this year is one of the worst RSV seasons that myself and my colleagues have seen in decades,” Dr. Patel said. They go to the outpatient department, which means they are sick children, but many cases also come to emergency departments, urgent care, hospital settings, and ICUs.”

According to CDC data, most RSV hospitalizations are for children ages 0-4.

Like the flu, hospitalizations due to COVID-19 are on the rise. In the Bay Area, hospitalization numbers are approaching those seen during the last peak of the summer, according to CDPH data.

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Hospitalizations, not cases, were the metric we focused on when looking at the data, as many infections were not reported.

“Hospitalization is a very important metric because it basically tells us how well we are doing to protect vulnerable people at risk,” Patel said.

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With more and more frightening data coming out, doctors are realizing that besides getting flu and COVID-19 vaccines, some of the best ways to protect yourself and your family are the simplest. Remind everyone.

“It comes down to basic hygiene, like washing your hands, and telling people with cold and flu symptoms to stay away from home. At some point, these viruses will exhaust their hosts and infect people.” , so they intend to slowly slow the spread. “

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