COVID surge hits Bay Area, strongest rise in California cases
The Bay Area has seen the largest increase in COVID-19 cases as the latest surge hits the state.
State epidemiologist Dr. Erica Pang told doctors:
at an online event
This week, the California Department of Public Health has tracked several indicators of worsening trends, including positive test rates, hospitalizations and wastewater samples from dozens of sewage plants.
The latter is one of the most reliable forms of monitoring because it does not rely on monitoring.
individual testindicating a high level
It circulates through Northern California.
“The Bay Area is where we see the strongest increase,” Pang said. “Some of these hut levels are actually higher than Omicron’s peak.”
The number of newly reported daily cases statewide reached 8,669 on Thursday, a 32% increase from the previous month and an 11% increase from a week ago.
public health center dataThis translates to about 23 new daily cases per 100,000 residents statewide, while the Bay Area reports 30 per 100,000.
New hospitalizations of confirmed COVID-19 patients statewide increased to 4,508, up 121% from a month ago and 3% in a week. Hospitalizations are nearing his peak of 4,826 reported during the BA.5 Omicron wave in the summer of July.
Inpatient beds currently in use.
California’s 7-day rolling coronavirus test positive rate (which tracks the percentage of lab test results that are positive for COVID-19) is just over 11%, flat from last week but more than double from the first week of November .
Half of the state’s population, which includes the entire Bay Area, is now “medium.”
COVID-19 community level, based on U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicators. That layer requires masking in certain high-risk environments, such as prisons and shelters, per guidance from the California Department of Public Health.
However, Pang said authorities were encouraging everyone to “wear masks again indoors and in crowded environments.” This is not only for COVID,
Influenza and RSV influxor respiratory syncytial virus.
In a joint message after several months,
A dozen Bay Area health officials warned on Thursday
High levels of viral circulation straining local health systems.
Echo the bread message and they too
urged people to wear masks indoors
Get vaccinated, stay home when sick, and test before gathering.
The cities of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano, Sonoma, and Berkeley.
They specified that individuals must wear high-quality masks such as KN94, KN95, or N95.
The joint statement said, “We strongly recommend wearing masks in public to prevent the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of illness.” It reduces your chances of getting infected if you’re sick.”
Currently, about 9% of the state’s total hospital admissions are for COVID-19 patients, Pan said. When that number reaches his 10%, additional measures will be triggered. “This is similar to what we saw last winter when Omcron surged,” she said. “Hospitals are really cramped.”
New coronavirus cases are up in 90% of the country, White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said Thursday
during briefing.
Deaths and hospitalizations are also rising in the United States, where nearly 3,000 deaths were reported last week. Most of them are concentrated in people over the age of 65, he said.
“We’ve seen COVID cases rise. We’re seeing more hospitalizations,” he told reporters. is.”
Pang said bivalent booster penetration remains low in California. Among the state’s most at-risk individuals, only 22% of those over the age of 50 had the new vaccination, and only 37% of those over the age of 65 had it.
“Sadly, we are currently far below what the state would like,” Pang said, lamenting, “This virus really makes us the most vulnerable.”
She also confirmed that states have changed their approach to making treatments such as the antiviral drug Paxlovid available to anyone who tests positive for the virus.
“Healthcare providers need to set a lower threshold for treatment,” Pan told state doctors. “The default should be to prescribe.”
Aidin Vaziri is a staff writer for the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected]
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