Staying healthy amid Michigan’s winter battle with COVID-19, RSV and flu
DETROIT (WXYZ) — Michigan’s winter battle against COVID-19 and flu begins in the next few weeks, Dr. Anurag Malani, director of infectious diseases for COVID-19 response at Trinity Health in Southeast Michigan, Michigan said.
As of Sunday, there were 117 hospitalized patients for COVID, 65 for flu and 28 for RSV across the health system. The numbers are higher than normal, says Dr. Marai.
“We’ve seen a really dramatic increase over the past week in terms of cases and hospitalizations,” he said, referring to flu and COVID.
“Perhaps the silver lining for RSV is that the numbers are a little better than they were four to six weeks ago. We are doing it,” Dr. Malai told 7 Action News.
This latest RSV in the United States tends to affect younger children and can even lead to hospitalization. Meanwhile, the flu and his COVID-19 are generally affecting older people.
Current CDC influenza map Michigan remains an outlier when it comes to influenza activity. Only Michigan, Hawaii and Delaware remain at ‘moderate’ levels of flu, with the majority of other states either at ‘high’ or ‘very high’. Alaska and New Hampshire remain “low”.
However, Dr. Malani said: map Change is inevitable, and it doesn’t always go in the right direction. The Detroit and Michigan metros are seeing a spike in flu cases, and we expect that to be reflected in the CDC’s next map update.
Many people refer to it as the “triple win”. COVID, flu, and RSV have led to longer wait times at local ERs, understaffing at local hospitals, and even local schools.
Last week, Ann Arbor Public Schools closed three buildings on Friday due to illness and staff shortages. The week before, Van Dyke School in Macomb County closed all eight of his buildings for a day because of illness.
This wave of illness has also raised concerns about possible shortages of drugs across the country, including Tamiflu, which Dr. Marani says is used to treat hospitalized COVID patients or people at risk of serious illness. is causing to
“We have a contingency plan in place if we find ourselves in such a situation, but fortunately so far, we do not,” he said.
His suggestion while on vacation is to take precautions as much as possible to help Michigan survive this winter’s surge in illness. If you feel sick before a big gathering, wear a mask, be sure to get tested for COVID, and stay home if possible.
Most importantly, he suggests getting vaccinated against both COVID and the flu.
“We’ve mostly seen an influenza A strain called H3N2. In fact, vaccines are felt to be very effective against this,” he says.
And that’s also the best way to ease the strain on the healthcare system, he says. This is because if a staff member is overwhelmed in one department, a domino effect can occur and affect other departments in the hospital.
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