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Insecticide-resistant mosquitoes found in Vietnam and Cambodia

Insecticide-resistant mosquitoes found in Vietnam and Cambodia
Insecticide-resistant mosquitoes found in Vietnam and Cambodia


Insecticide-resistant mosquitoes found in Vietnam and Cambodia

A primitive dengue mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, exhibits very high levels of insecticide resistance in Asia due to concomitant mutations.Credits: Shinji Kasai

A multi-institutional team of researchers in Japan, in collaboration with colleagues in Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia and Ghana, has identified mosquitoes highly resistant to common insecticides in both Vietnam and Cambodia. I found the evidence.

Insects such as mosquitoes carry a variety of infectious diseases, from dengue fever to infectious diseases. to Zika virus and malaria. Scientists have therefore developed a number of chemicals intended to kill or repel mosquitoes. Most of them are called pyrethroids and target the central nervous system of mosquitoes. In this new effort, researchers found evidence that mosquitoes in Vietnam and Cambodia evolved to become highly resistant to pyrethroids.

His job was to go out into the fields and collect mosquitoes in Vietnam, Indonesia, Ghana and Taiwan. The researchers then sprayed each sample with permethrin, a pyrethroid commonly used everywhere the samples were collected. They found that only 20% of mosquitoes collected from Vietnam died. Mosquito mortality for other samples was as expected.

The researchers then examined the genomes of mosquitoes that survived exposure to the pesticide and found a mutation in the L982W gene. This gene is already associated with mosquito resistance. The team then collected more samples, this time from Singapore and Cambodia, and in particular he looked at L982W to look at their genes.they found 10 unique strains Similar to those found in mosquitoes in Vietnam, almost all of which were in Cambodia.

The researchers estimated that up to 78% of mosquitoes in samples collected from Cambodia or Vietnam were resistant to pyrethroids, with mosquitoes carrying pyrethroid mutations showing an average 50- to 100-fold increase in resistance. It turns out. They also looked for combinations of mutations that lead to resistance and found that those with combinations of L982W and other mutations were able to survive pyrethroid exposure levels 500 to 1,000 times higher than those that normally kill mosquitoes. did.

Researchers conclude that other countries need to start testing resistance to determine the true extent of the problem.

My work was published in a magazine scientific progress.

For more information:
Shinji Kasai et al, Discovery of ultra-insecticide-resistant dengue mosquitoes in Asia: the concomitant threat of knockdown resistance mutations, scientific progress (2022). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq7345

© 2022 Science X Network

Quote: Highly Insecticide-Resistant Mosquitoes Found in Vietnam and Cambodia (December 22, 2022) from Retrieved December 22, 2022

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