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How to prevent cervical cancer: Get vaccinated early and get follow-up tests

How to prevent cervical cancer: Get vaccinated early and get follow-up tests
How to prevent cervical cancer: Get vaccinated early and get follow-up tests


cervical cancer It is the fourth most common cancer among Indian women. It accounts for her 6.6% of all cancers in women and her 7.5% of all deaths per year, with the highest of her 23.07/100,000 in Mizoram.

for the cervix cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV) is now considered a major pathogen. Nevertheless, HPV infection is often intermittent and eventually only a minority of women with chronic infection develop cervical cancer. Behavioral and lifestyle variables and sexually transmitted diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia trachomatis, HSV, and HIV have been identified as potential cofactors for cervical cancer.

What are risk factors?

These include long-term use of oral contraceptives, high fertility, low socioeconomic status, smoking, HIV co-infection, sexual debut at an early age, teenage pregnancy, and multiple sexual partners. , reduced inter-pregnancy intervals, and sexually transmitted diseases. (sexually transmitted diseases).

What about precautions?

The World Health Assembly has adopted a global strategy to accelerate the eradication of cervical cancer by 2030. Goals have been set to accelerate the eradication process. The goal of 90-70-90 is set as a target to be achieved by countries working to eradicate cervical cancer. This means:

• Approximately 90% of girls should be fully HPV-vaccinated by the age of 15.

• About 70% of women are tested by age 35 and retested by age 45.

• Approximately 90% of women with cancer (pre-invasive and invasive disease) should be identified and treated.

• As a result, we will be able to meet the target of 4 women in 100,000 each year as part of our goal to eradicate cervical cancer.

What are your vaccination options?

For women who have never been infected with HPV, vaccination prevents cancer in nearly 100% of cases. Vaccines that protect against HPV 16 and 18 also cross-protect against other less common high-risk types of her HPV. WHO considers all three vaccines to be equally protective against disease.

In women with a healthy immune system, persistent high-risk infections can take 15 to 20 years to develop cancer. But in immunocompromised women, it may take only 5-10 years to develop cancer.A girl who starts vaccinations between the ages of 9 and 14, at 6-month intervals she Only two vaccinations are required. Her teens should get her 3 doses of the vaccine when she starts getting vaccinated after age 15. Girls with weakened immune systems also need three doses. The 3-dose schedule is 0, 2, and 6 months. It is best to be vaccinated before the sexual debut. However, if a woman is already infected and sexually active, the vaccine protects her from strains she has not yet been infected with. Most women get HPV within five years of becoming sexually active. HPV vaccine does not treat HPV infection.

India now has its own vaccine being developed by the Serum Institute of India. It is a quadrivalent vaccine that protects against HPV 16, 18, 6 and 11, the four most common strains of the virus known to cause cancer.

The three HPV vaccines available, approved by the US FDA, and recommended by the CDC include:

• The bivalent vaccine (Cervarix) can be administered to women up to age 45.

• Quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil) can be vaccinated for up to 45 years

• The quadrivalent vaccine has the ability to protect against HPV types 6 and 11 as well as HPV 16,18.
• Approved for men.

common side effects

Injection site pain



• Nausea

• Fainting attacks (sitting or lying down for 15 minutes to prevent).

This vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy. If a woman gets pregnant after receiving her first dose of the vaccine, the remaining doses should be postponed until after delivery. MTP is not required if the patient is vaccinated during pregnancy. This vaccine is safe during breastfeeding. Women can be vaccinated with this vaccine during the postpartum period.

HPV-vaccinated women should be screened regularly by Pap smear, LBC, or primary HPV-DNA test according to local guidelines.

HPV vaccination and regular cervical cancer screening are the most effective ways to prevent cervical cancer. Parents/caregivers of children should be educated about HPV vaccination. To significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer, it must be started early.




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