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First deadly rabbit virus detected in Riverside County


Palm Springs, California — A deadly virus targeting domestic and wild rabbits. Detected in Palm Springs in May It is now spread across the counties of San Bernardino, Orange and San Diego, as confirmed by state wildlife officials.

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHDV2) is not related to the novel coronavirus and does not affect humans or domestic animals other than rabbits.

“A dead desert cottontail was found in the greenery of San Clemente on June 15,” spokesperson for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Tim Dally told City News Service on Wednesday. “On June 22, the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory confirmed that RHD was present and the results were soon posted on the website.

“…There have been two deaths of rabbits in Orange County since the first case in San Clemente was discovered, one from Ladera Ranch and another from Capistrano Beach,” he added. ..

“Infected rabbits and jack rabbits may show no symptoms of sudden death or may suffer fever, swelling, internal bleeding and liver necrosis,” the CDFW statement said. “The range of susceptible species in North America is currently unknown, but all rabbit, jackrabbit, hare, and pica species may be susceptible.”

All rabbit owners and veterinarians are required to learn about viruses and how to protect them. A vaccine has been developed and is available on request. Domestic rabbit owners are advised to contact their veterinarian for more information.

Authorities have issued the following guidelines for those who have domestic rabbits or have contact with hares:
-Rabbits should stay indoors at all times to minimize the possibility of contact.
-Sick or dead rabbits should be reported to wildlife personnel and should not be touched.
-Abnormal illness or sudden death of a rabbit should be immediately reported to the veterinarian.
-The virus is very contagious and can spread through direct contact with infected animals and/or their urine/feces. Proper hygiene is required as it can spread to contaminated objects, insects, etc. This means that you need to wash your hands before and after handling the rabbit, thoroughly disinfect it, take your shoes out, and control insects.
-Know your hay/feed sources and whether they are close to the affected area
-Keep the dog on a leash when outside to avoid interacting with wild rabbits. Consider wearing a booty outside the dog or washing your paws before entering. Keep the dog and rabbit in different parts of the house.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture recently said that “rabbits, rabbits, or their products (meat, fur, skin, carcasses, etc.) or equipment used to process rabbits cannot enter California from a state or county. Introduced Quarantine in. RHD was diagnosed within the previous year.”

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