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Hundreds of older Britons to be tested for dementia through new pilot scheme in 2023

Hundreds of older Britons to be tested for dementia through new pilot scheme in 2023


Hundreds more to be checked dementia As part of a new professional service being trialled across the country, NHS Announced.

Nursing home residents will be actively assessed by professional nurses and other health professionals through 14 new pilot schemes rolling out in the new year.

Dementia diagnosis rates have plummeted during the pandemic, raising concerns that more people will be living without adequate support and advice.

But experts say the new trial will help reduce the number of missed cases.

There are multiple diseases that cause dementia. Dementia is categorized as dementia, where memory, thinking, and decision-making abilities are impaired, and it interferes with daily life (file photo).

There are multiple diseases that cause dementia. Dementia is categorized as dementia, where memory, thinking, and decision-making abilities are impaired, and it interferes with daily life (file photo).

As part of the Community Dementia Drive, GPs will share lists of nursing home residents who do not have a diagnosis of dementia.

What is dementia?

Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a category of symptoms characterized by behavioral changes and gradual decline in cognitive and social abilities.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but other dementias include vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be caused by abnormal accumulation of proteins in and around brain cells.

Alzheimer’s Research UK predicts that 1 million people will have dementia by 2025, doubling to 2 million by 2050.

Staff involved in the pilot will check those listed in the nursing home for memory impairment, and residents will be provided with a full face-to-face assessment.

After that, we will check the resident’s drug use and discuss with friends and family to determine if they have dementia.

Two pilots will start in each of England’s seven regions from January, following a £900,000 investment from NHS England.

In a successful trial in Norfolk, 100 care home residents underwent face-to-face assessments and 95 received a diagnosis of dementia.

As a result of the clinical trial, the family of the resident who received the diagnosis said, “I feel relieved.”

Professor Alistair Barnes, National Clinical Director for Dementia, NHS England, said:

“The NHS is determined to ensure that people who develop dementia during the pandemic are diagnosed, in order to open the door to further support for those suffering from this devastating disease and their families.

“There is a lot the NHS can do to provide care and support for people if they are diagnosed. Importantly, there is also support for families and caregivers.

There are many different diseases that cause dementia. Many are associated with abnormal accumulation of proteins in the brain. This accumulation causes nerve cells to become less functional and eventually die (stock image)

There are many different diseases that cause dementia. Many are associated with abnormal accumulation of proteins in the brain. This accumulation causes nerve cells to become less functional and eventually die (stock image)

Nocturnal hypertension ‘may increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease’

A 2021 study found that men with higher blood pressure at night than during the day were 1.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

Researchers followed a sample of a Swedish man in his 70s who had higher blood pressure at night than during the day, known as “reverse dipping.”

They were compared to age-matched men who had higher daytime blood pressure than nighttime, which is considered normal.

After following both men for symptoms of dementia, they found that reverse dipping primarily increased the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, and the risk of dementia overall.

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“So if you notice someone with symptoms during the festivities, please encourage them to visit a GP for an evaluation. The sooner someone is seen, the sooner the NHS can help.”

The latest NHS figures show that 451,992 people in the UK have been diagnosed with dementia, a 2.8% increase from last year.

Data show that referrals to memory services are now back to pre-pandemic levels at 301,218 in 2021/22.

Mark MacDonald, associate director of advocacy and system change at the Alzheimer’s Society, said:

“Knowing that someone has dementia can transform their care, ensure they receive the right kind of support, and give families and caregivers the information and guidance they need after diagnosis. make it

“We know that the majority of people with a diagnosis of dementia view it as a positive step, even though it can be life-changing. will be rolled out across England as soon as possible, with a focus on improving dementia diagnosis for everyone, both in and out of care homes.

Laura Hudson, 45, a mental health nurse from Kingslyn, Norfolk, diagnosed her mother, Pam, 80, a former nurse, with dementia thanks to the pilot.

“She was a general nurse for 20 years, but those who knew her then probably don’t recognize her now.

“If you don’t feed her, she won’t eat. She won’t drink unless you make her.”

“I’m so relieved and happy that she was diagnosed with dementia because people realized they had to dig a little deeper into her. I asked her if she was okay and she said I’d say okay, but sometimes you have to ask more than that to get to the bottom of things.

“She’s getting proper care wherever she’s been, but if she has to go to the hospital, I’m reassured by the diagnosis that she’ll be properly treated there.”

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Older people in contaminated areas ‘more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease’

Older people living in polluted areas are at increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, warns new study from JAMA Neurology.

Researchers examined PET scans (Positron Emission Tomography) of more than 18,000 elderly people in the United States with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

We then plotted the zip codes and determined the air pollution level for each neighborhood based on Environmental Protection Agency data. This data measures ground-level ozone and pollution particles in the air less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, known as PM2.5.

Researchers found that PET scans of older adults living in the most polluted areas had 10% more amyloid plaques, hard proteins that clump together between nerve cells.

Not all types of dementia are associated with these plaques, but they are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.

Lead author Dr. Leonardo Iaccarino said:

“Over time, this can affect brain health in a number of ways, including contributing to the accumulation of amyloid plaques.”

Researchers have found that the more pollutants in the air, the more likely people are to get scanned for amyloid plaques.




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