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Scientists discover nearly 100,000 new types of viruses

Scientists discover nearly 100,000 new types of viruses


A groundbreaking Tel Aviv University study discovered nearly 100,000 new, previously unknown viruses. This represents a 9-fold increase in the number of RNA viruses known to science so far. These viruses were found in global environmental data from soil samples, oceans, lakes, and other ecosystems. The discovery may aid in the development of antibacterial drugs that protect against fungi and parasites that are harmful to agriculture.

Research: Expansion of the global RNA virome reveals diverse clades of bacteriophages. Image Credit: Golden Wind/Shutterstockstudy: Expansion of the global RNA virome reveals diverse clades of bacteriophagesImage Credit: Golden Wind/Shutterstock

PhD student Uri Neri led the research under the guidance of Professor Uri Gophna of the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research in the Enlightened Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University. The study was conducted in collaboration with US-based research institutes He NIH and his JGI, and the Pasteur Institute in France.This study was published in a prestigious journal journal cell It consists of data collected by over 100 scientists around the world.

Viruses are genetic parasites. That means it must infect living cells to replicate their genetic information, produce new viruses, and complete the infectious cycle. Some viruses are pathogens that can harm humans (such as coronaviruses). Yet most viruses do not harm us or infect bacterial cells. There are even viruses that live in our bodies without us even realizing it.

According to Uri Neri, the study used new computational techniques to mine genetic information from thousands of different sampling points (sea, soil, sewage, geysers, etc.) around the world. Researchers developed sophisticated computational tools to distinguish between RNA virus genetic material and host genetic material and used it to analyze big data. This discovery allowed researchers to reconstruct how viruses underwent diverse adaptation processes to adapt to different hosts during evolution.

In analyzing the findings, the researchers identified viruses suspected of infecting various pathogenic microbes, opening up the possibility of using viruses to control them.

“The system we have developed allows us to perform detailed evolutionary analyzes and understand how different RNA viruses have evolved throughout their evolutionary history. One is how and why viruses transfer genes between them, in the case of how such gene exchange enabled viruses to infect new organisms. In comparison, the diversity and role of RNA viruses in microbial ecosystems is poorly understood. We found that they weren’t all that different from DNA viruses. increase.

Overall, the results show a significant expansion in diversity. orthonavirus, especially that of RNA viruses associated with bacteria. Moreover, they make relatively minor changes to the state-of-the-art classification scheme and support its overall robustness. Moreover, RNA viruses are predicted to have multiple protein functions. This work has produced a number of sequences and derivatives accessible via the companion website ( or the Zenodo deposit. With this resource, researchers can gain meaningful context when describing new RNA viruses in future studies. For example, gain insight into the ecological distribution of specific viral lineages or annotate specific protein domains. Additionally, this resource may help researchers identify major RNA viral genomes that can be further characterized ly.




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