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According to experts, wearing a mask can reduce the risk of new coronaviruses by 65%


Health professionals stress the importance of wearing a mask to limit the chance of infecting others. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearingBut Monday’s report, however, also suggests that a series of new studies now protects wearers.

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A mask also reduces the risk of transmission to the wearer by 65%, according to one doctor, as many states have policies that mandate facecovers in both indoor and outdoor spaces.

“We learned more from research and additional scientific evidence, and now we know [that] Wearing a mask not only prevents people wearing it from infecting others, but it also protects them.”

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“Thus, mask wearers reduce the risk of infection by the person wearing the mask by about 65 percent, even with standard rectangular surgical masks.”

He added that N95 masks work even better in protecting people from viruses, but they are deficient and needed by health professionals.

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Blumberg and William Ristenpart, UC Davis professors of chemical engineering, appeared on UC Davis Live: Coronavirus Edition to discuss the topic of infection. The Ristenpart lab at the University of California, Davis is studying how people release small droplets of water that can carry the virus during breathing and conversation.

This pair highlights two main methods of transmission. The first is a visible droplet that the carrier expels. This is about one-third the size of human hair. They said that the mask creates an effective barrier against those types of droplets.

“Everyone should wear a mask,” Branberg said. “People who say “I believe the mask doesn’t work” ignores scientific evidence. It’s not a belief system. It’s like saying “I don’t believe in gravity.” “

The second is to use aerosol particles that are emitted when talking. It is about one hundredth of the size of human hair and is more difficult to defend. That’s because small particles can get out of the gaps in rectangular or homemade cloth masks, he said.

Bloomberg and Listempert help keep small particles away by staying outdoors at a social distance, which increases airflow.

“Research in laboratory conditions has shown that the virus continues to survive in the form of an aerosol, with a half-life on a time scale that persists in the air,” Ristenpart added. “That’s why I want to be outdoors for social situations if possible. A good airflow disperses the virus. If you are indoors, consider opening the window. As much fresh as possible I need air.”

As such, enclosed areas such as bars (which are considered hot spots for virus infection) are said to be particularly dangerous. “The louder you speak, the more aerosol you will exhale.”

“So I don’t know who will spread it.” Bloomberg said.. “We know that social distances reduce the risk of viral infections by 90% and wearing masks reduces the risk by 65%.”

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