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Unlocking the ancestry of cancer — ScienceDaily

Unlocking the ancestry of cancer — ScienceDaily
Unlocking the ancestry of cancer — ScienceDaily


Could knowing where one’s ancestry come from be the key to better cancer care? Maybe, but where does that key fit? How can we trace the ancestral roots of cancer to modern solutions? It could be deep in databases and hospital archives.

Krasnitz and CSHL postdoctoral fellow Pascal Belleau are working to uncover the genealogical links between cancer and race or ethnicity. They have developed new software that accurately infers continental ancestry from tumor DNA and RNA. Their research may also help clinicians develop new strategies for early detection and personalized treatment of cancer.

“Why do different races and ethnicities have different incidence rates for different types of cancer?” Krasnitz says. “They have all sorts of social and environmental factors, such as different habits, living conditions, and exposures. But there may also be a genetic component.”

Krasnitz’s team trained a software tool using hybrid DNA profiles. They generated these profiles from cancerous and unrelated cancer-free genomes with a known background. We then tested the performance of the software on pancreatic, ovarian, breast, and blood cancer specimens from patients of known ancestry. The team found that the software matched the hybrid profile to the continental population with over 95% of his accuracy.

“We have a great model to build on,” says Krasnitz. “But very few people come from a single ancestry. We are all mixed to some degree. We are working to reveal the mixture and achieve more regional specificity.” How specific? Think West Africa instead of East Africa for now.

Krasnitz and Belleau recently participated in a colorectal cancer study in collaboration with Northwell Health and SUNY Downstate Medical Center. This study will allow us to look at how colorectal cancer alters genes in different ways, depending on the specific race or ethnicity. They hope to further refine the software so that it can infer the ancestry of not just the entire genome, but every individual sequence within it.

“The ability to identify more localized ancestry that is predisposed to various cancers and other progressive diseases will help identify specific parts of the genome responsible and target them for therapy. It’s possible,” Belleau said.

Now a simple DNA swab can tell you where you came from and which disease you inherited. In the future, it may also provide means to defeat them.

Story source:

material provided by Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryOriginal by Nick Wurm. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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