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China glimpses labs near the origin of Wuhan Coronavirus, East Asian news and top stories


Beijing (AFP)-China’s national media The research center at the center of the coronavirus plot theory, It is trying to repel the claim that the facility is the source of the global pandemic.

US President Donald Trump and other U.S. figures repeat Suggesting that the virus may have leaked from the Wuhan Virology Institute, Or intentionally produced there.

The video broadcast by the state-owned CCTV is believed to be the first from within its inception in 2017-due to the highly dangerous Class 4 pathogen-from within the laboratory’s P4 lab.

However, no new information was provided regarding the behavior of the lab.

Only a few short shots of the actual laboratory area, taken through a thick glass window, were included. The report said security protocols prevented closer access.

Instead, the work focused on refuting the alleged leak.

Dr. Yuan Zhiming, director of the Wuhan National Institute for Biological Safety, said the lab had “no accidents of pathogen leakage or human infection.”

“The outbreaks and pandemics caused by all infectious diseases should be the focus of public attention.

“Due to fear and helplessness, and lack of information, many people naturally associate the development of the area with the closest laboratory. Rumors gradually fade away as they learn more about the situation and the laboratory. To go.”

Scientists believe that it was first detected in Covid-19-Wuhan and continues to kill over half a million people worldwide- Derived from bats And it may have been transmitted to people through another mammal.

The Chinese authorities said that the virus was May have spread from the city’s market They sold live and wild animals, but no further confirmation has been revealed.

Rumors of conspiracy that the Biosafety Lab was involved in the outbreak swirled online for several months before Mr. Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mainstreamed theory.

Then the US and Australia He called for an investigation into the cause of the pandemic.

This weekend, the World Health Organization will send animal experts and epidemiologists to China to lay the groundwork for research on the new animal origins of coronaviruses.

One might think of the lab as a “secret black box,” but the facility is “extremely open and transparent,” and the facility is “a platform for international exchange, with more foreign scientists I’m hoping to get to work,” in our lab, who claimed.

No details were given.

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