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Mortality rate of Swedish coronavirus is now falling faster than British coronavirus


Sweden has consistently maintained one of the highest coronavirus mortality rates in Europe, even after avoiding lockdowns.

Sweden recorded 1.6 deaths per million on Thursday, more than the 1.4 deaths registered in the UK.

But the country’s mortality rate has fallen by 2.51 per million since June 9, when it was the highest in Europe at 4.12.

UK mortality just dropped in the same time frame The number of deaths per million is 1.88, a significant stagnation since mid-June as the country attempts to escape from the economic blockade.

Sweden certainly has one of the highest mortality rates in Europe even after circumventing the lockdown, but it is still declining more rapidly than Britain as it has eased the tough steps the country is taking.

Swedish people continued to go to the bar during the pandemic under a “group immunity” strategy that national epidemiologist Anders Tegner said would improve in the long run.

According to the European Centers for Disease Control, only Macedonia, with 3.4 deaths per million and Kosovo with 2.1 per million, now have higher mortality rates than Britain and Sweden.

By comparison, Belgium, which had the highest mortality rate in the world for some time, recorded only 0.27 deaths per million on Wednesday.

The first pandemic in Europe to settle in Italy was 0.31.

Ander Tegnell, a Swedish national epidemiologist, has repeatedly argued over the blockade, citing the “faces” of the epidemic science and high UK mortality.

He argued that these measures would only delay the inevitable, and in the long run, all countries would be in the same position.

For this reason, he argues that lockdowns are not worth the economic price tag they carry.

However, he had to admit that the death toll in Sweden was too high, and severe measures had to be taken, especially in nursing homes, to protect the vulnerable population.

Britain halts almost all economies as pandemic settles down and mortality has stopped declining in the weeks ahead

Hairdressers, cafes, restaurants and pubs are now allowed to reopen in the UK, and some experts warn that they carry the risk of spreading the infection.

So far, 73,858 cases of virus have been registered in Sweden, with 5,482 deaths. Much more lockdowns are occurring than in Scandinavian neighbors.

In Norway, 8,950 viruses have killed 251 after early blockade, whereas in Finland, 7,273 and 329 have died.

In Denmark, there are 12,900 viruses and 609 deaths.

The United States, which circumvented the complete blockade seen in Europe, is now characterized by similar mortality rates to Sweden, with a population of 1.76 million per million on Wednesday.

The epicenter of the pandemic, South American countries now have the highest mortality rates in the world.

Brazil’s President Jail Borsonaro recently tested positive for this virus, with a current mortality rate of 4.8 per million.

Chile certainly has 5.58 and one of the highest rates in the world.

Tegner admitted that some areas of his strategy were wrong and admitted that he would have used more stringent measures before, but argued that a complete lockdown would not have been effective yet. Are

Globally, the coronavirus still infected more than 12 million people and killed nearly 550,000 in the warning that it was still accelerating.

Over the past 5 days, 1 million new viruses have been reported, but the previous 1 million infections took 7 days.

According to WHO data, about 170,000 new viruses are added every day in the world today, but about 130,000 viruses were added every day one month ago.

Although the number of deaths is increasing, it is not possible to keep up with the number of instances, and some say that the virus is weakening.

While others have touted treatment and improved capacity in hospitals, Bolsonaro in Brazil and President Trump in the US argue that the increase in cases lies in better testing-that is, not previously reported. It means that the infection is currently acquired.


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