Patient told less than 1 year to live cancer-free after trial of new drug regimen
![Patient told less than 1 year to live cancer-free after trial of new drug regimen Patient told less than 1 year to live cancer-free after trial of new drug regimen](
Miracle person!Patient told less than 1 year to live cancer-free after trial of new drug regimen
- Robert Glynn, 51, is now cancer-free thanks to a new drug trial in the UK
- A welder from Worsley, Greater Manchester, was diagnosed in 2020.
- He said: “When things like this happen, you realize life is meant to be lived.”
A man given less than 12 months to live has been cancer-free thanks to a new drug trial in the UK.
51-year-old Robert Glynne said he “wouldn’t be here” if it weren’t for the amazing results of exams Christie gave. NHS Foundation Trust of Manchester.
Mr Glynn, a welder from Worsley, Greater Manchester, was diagnosed in August 2020 with deadly cancer in the bile ducts in his liver. He was told he had metastasis to his adrenal glands. He was given immunotherapy drugs already approved for use in other cancers, in combination with standard chemotherapy. Due to the nature of the trial, we cannot name the drug.
Glynn’s tumor shrunk and he underwent surgery in April to remove it. Since his surgery, his quarterly scans have shown he is cancer-free.
![51-year-old Robert Glynn said he](
51-year-old Robert Glynne said he “would not be here” if it weren’t for the stunning results of a trial conducted by Manchester’s Christie NHS Foundation Trust.
In a comment sent exclusively to PA news agency, Glynn said:
“When I was given the option to participate in research, I jumped at the opportunity.
“I do whatever I can to prolong my life.
“I feel very lucky to have had cancer for two years and not knowing anything about it.
“So it was overwhelming to clear everything.
“Oddly enough, having a diagnosis turned my life around.
“I get out in nature with my partner Simone and walk a lot. When things like this happen, you know life is meant to be lived.
Since the surgery, Mr. Glynn has not needed any further treatment, and his quarterly scans show he is cancer-free.
Further studies are now underway with more patients in hopes of changing the way biliary tract cancer is treated.
In an effort to live a healthier life, Glynne completely changed her diet and lost a few stones after tipping the scales on the 16th.
“I cut out all processed foods, refined sugar, dairy, and milk, and now eat smoothies and lots of organic fruits and vegetables every day, making everything from scratch.
“I managed to lose in fifth place, but this was a big step for me.
“I realized that you can’t rely solely on doctors. You need to help yourself too. It’s also important to not give up and stay positive.”
“It’s not over until it’s over”
Starting next month, Corniche’s pilot program will send repeat customers to the pharmacy for cough medicine to be screened for cancer by a pharmacist without first seeing a GP.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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