CDC tracks streptococcal infection linked to ‘cannibal’ disease
In Georgia, the state’s Department of Public Health is tracking iGAS infections, and a spokeswoman said Friday that officials are seeing an increase in the number of cases. However, DPH was unable to release the number of recent cases seen. According to DPH guidelines, all doctors, laboratories, and other health care providers in Georgia are required by law to report patients with her iGAS within seven days.
A spokesperson said additional testing is being done on the samples sent to the CDC.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Children’s Health Care in Atlanta said it hasn’t seen an increase in cases of Group A streptococcal infections, but remains vigilant.
“We recommend that all children and adults be vaccinated against influenza and chickenpox, as group A streptococci can manifest as secondary infections,” the hospital system said in a statement. “Parents should consult their child’s pediatrician if they have concerns about prolonged or delayed fever during respiratory illness.”
Group A streptococcal bacteria can cause milder but painful illnesses such as strep throat, commonly referred to as streptococcal pharyngitis. Symptoms include sore throat, pain when swallowing, fever, red and swollen tonsils, and swollen lymph nodes. Children may present with symptoms such as headache, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. People with strep throat may also develop a rash known as scarlet fever.
In contrast, the more dangerous iGAS infections “have a high mortality rate and require immediate treatment, including appropriate antibiotic therapy,” says the CDC.
UK health authorities are tracking iGAS cases and iGAS remains rare. Authorities said she had five recorded deaths in England in early December, within a week of a child under the age of 10 being diagnosed with iGAS. Last season, when Group A streptococcal infections were particularly prevalent, there were four deaths in the same age group during the same period.
Exposure to a person with strep throat puts you at a higher risk of iGAS infection, according to the CDC. peaks from December to April. iGAS cases are particularly high when flu levels are high, and this flu season is shaping up to be the worst in at least a decade.
According to the CDC, people who have already had or recently had a viral infection such as influenza or chickenpox are at increased risk of iGAS. The elderly, residents of nursing homes, people with chronic conditions, wounds and skin conditions, intravenous drug users, homeless people, and Native Americans are all considered at increased risk for iGAS.
CDC urges parents to familiarize themselves with the symptoms of iGAS and seek immediate medical attention. Here is a summary of the symptoms of the most dangerous complications:
— Necrotizing Fasciitis: Early symptoms include rapidly spreading red, warm, or swollen skin, severe pain, and fever. Subsequent symptoms include skin ulcers, blisters or black spots, skin color changes, pus or oozing from the site of infection, dizziness, fatigue, nausea or diarrhea.
— Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: The illness begins with fever and chills, pain, nausea and vomiting. However, within 24 to 48 hours, more serious symptoms develop, including low blood pressure, a faster than normal heart rate, rapid breathing, and organ failure. For example, kidney malfunction can be detected if a person stops producing urine. Liver failure can be detected if there is heavy bleeding or bruising, and the eyes may turn yellow.
— Cellulitis: Symptoms appear as red, swollen, painful areas of skin (usually on the feet and legs). This area will be warm and soft to the touch. “The skin may dimple like an orange peel, or the affected skin may blister. Some people may also develop fevers and chills,” says the CDC.
An iGAS bacterial infection in a person who already has a viral infection of another illness may present in the patient as an ongoing or worsening symptom after initial improvement of the illness.
Staff writer Helena Oliviero and The Associated Press edited this report.
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