COVID-19 Stress Leads to a “Broken Heart”: Cleveland Clinic Study
Dr. Anthony Fauci says personal responsibility and social distance are the keys to ending the spread of the coronavirus.
Akron, Ohio – For more and more people, the stress of a coronavirus pandemic is disastrous.
A new study at the Cleveland Clinic led by Akron General’s cardiologist found an increase in “broken heart syndrome” or stress cardiomyopathy during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The number of cases has doubled compared to before the pandemic.
The study conducted from March 1st to April 30th is published today in the JAMA Network Open medical journal.
Stress cardiomyopathy occurs in response to physical or emotional distress and causes myocardial dysfunction or dysfunction.
“It’s associated with severe emotional stress, but it can be any kind of stress, such as division, loss of a loved one, fierce quarrel with family, or severe depression.”
Patients experience the same symptoms as a heart attack such as chest pain or shortness of breath, but they usually do not have an acute blockage of the coronary arteries. In some cases, it can be fatal.
The left ventricle of the heart may expand. Other symptoms include arrhythmias, syncope, and low blood pressure.
The cause of the condition also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is not completely understood. Physicians believe that a person’s response to stressful events causes the release of stress hormones, which temporarily reduces the pumping function of the heart, leading to heart efficiency and irregular contractions.
Kara and his colleagues began to notice an increase in cases in late March.
“Is this the cause of the virus or the stress of the virus?” he wondered.
In this study, a cardiologist at a downtown Cleveland and Akron campus examined 258 patients with a cardiac condition called acute coronary syndrome and compared them to 4 controls before a pandemic.
The number of Broken Heart Syndrome cases doubled in March and April from pre-pandemic levels.
Patients during the pandemic had a longer hospital stay than before the pandemic, but there was no significant difference in mortality. COVID-19 was all negative.
The number of cases may have been higher because the ER saw a “sudden drop” in the patient during a pandemic when the patient was away from the hospital, Kara said.
Normally, 90% of people with broken heart syndrome are women over the age of 70. In this study, 30% were male, with a median age of 63 for all patients.
This condition is usually treated with heart medications and sometimes stress medications.
But the key to prevention and treatment is to reduce stress and practice self-care, Kara said.
As pandemics continue to evolve, this is especially important, said Dr. Grant Reed, director and lead author of the STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) program at Cleveland Clinic. “Exercise, meditation, and relationships with family and friends also help ease anxiety while maintaining physical distance and safety.”
Tollmadge’s 64-year-old Richard Watkins knew that his life was stressful, but he didn’t expect it to kill him.
He has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is a condition where acid from the stomach reaches the esophagus, but it does not have the previous heart problems.
However, in the weeks leading up to his April 15 health crisis, Pantomic stopped producing a General Aluminum manufacturing company in Rootstown, where Watkins is Chief Financial Officer. Auto parts manufacturers have fired 600 employees in several states. Watkins and his wife Nicole had a hard time helping their 12 and 10 year old sons with online schoolwork.
Watkins’ two-year-old grandson was hospitalized for Guillain-Barre syndrome, a sudden temporary disorder that robbed him of his walking ability.
Watkins’ 91-year-old father also fell at his home and died.
“We were getting ready and dressed for the funeral. That morning I went out for breakfast and remember some of it, but as my wife says, I behaved strangely. They were,” Watkins said. “I wore a white dress shirt with buttons on my collar, socks, and underwear, but I forgot my pants.” she said, “what are you doing?”
He felt weird and said he felt strange behind his arm. He thought it might be his reflux esophagitis. He only remembers putting his head on the table.
His wife called 911 and was instructed by the dispatcher to perform CPR. When the crew arrived, they shocked and pulsed Watkins’ heart.
Initially, Nicole was reported to have had a large heart attack in Watkins, but was later informed that his arteries had not been blocked.
Diagnosis: Broken heart syndrome.
“I think,’My husband stopped breathing. I only CPRed him. The paramedics had to pulse him, and would he be fine?’
Watkins was placed in a ventilator-induced coma and did not regain consciousness for 5 days.
Watkins is taking six weeks off to work on reducing his stress level.
“I hope people will notice and listen to your body. If you have a tingling body and chest pain, you will have to treat yourself,” said the wife. “You need to do your best for yourself and your family.”
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