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Research sheds light on how cancer spreads in the blood


Research sheds light on how cancer spreads in the blood

The magnified image shows prostate cancer cells showing the formation of extracellular vesicles on the cell membrane. It contains proteins from tumors and is associated with the spread of cancer. Credits: Cedars-Sinai.

New studies shed light on proteins in particles called extracellular vesicles, which are released into the bloodstream by tumor cells and promote the spread of cancer. Findings suggest how blood tests containing these vesicles could be used to diagnose future cancers and avoid the need for invasive surgical biopsy.

According to Dolores Di Vizio, MD, professor of surgery, biomedical and pathology and medicine at Cedars-Sinai, this study is a large-scale analysis of what is known as a palmitoylated protein in extracellular vesicles. Di Vizio is the author of a collaborative study published online on June 10. Journal of extracellular vesicles..

Extracellular vesicles have received considerable attention over the last decade because they contain proteins and other biologically important molecules that can transfer information from cell to cell. They are known to help cancer spread to distant parts of the body, but it’s not clear exactly how this happens.

To learn more about this process, the research team examined a process called palmitoylation. In this process, enzymes transfer lipid molecules to proteins. Palmitoylation can affect where proteins are located in cells, their activity, and their contribution to cancer progression.

Researchers examined two types of extracellular vesicles, small and large, in samples of human prostate cancer cells. They used a centrifuge to separate extracellular vesicles from other cellular material and analyzed the level of palmitoylation and the type of protein present.

The team found that extracellular vesicles derived from cancer cells contain palmitoylated proteins that are associated with cancer spread. Moreover, levels of some of these proteins were reduced in extracellular vesicles when the team chemically suppressed the palmitoylation process.

“Our result is Palmitoylation may be involved in the selective packaging of proteins into different extracellular regions “Individual population,” said Divisi. “This discovery puts these proteins in In the future, it may be possible to detect and characterize a patient’s cancer without a surgical biopsy. “

The next step in the study, Di Vizio, will work with Cedars-Sinai colleagues and industry partners to use advanced techniques such as mass spectrometry and flow cytometry to identify clinically important prostates. To do research to At diagnosis.

In addition to Di Vizio, Dr. Wei Yang and Dr. Andries Zijlstra, associate professors of surgery at Cedars-Sinai, are co-authors of the study. Zeistra completed his research while working at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. Dr Javier Mariscal is a post-doctoral fellow in the Di Visio lab and the first author of this work.

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For more information:
Javier Mariscal et al, Comprehensive palmitoyl-proteomics analysis identifies distinct protein signatures of large and small cancer-derived extracellular vesicles, Journal of extracellular vesicles (2020). DOI: 10.1080 / 20013078.2020.1764192

Quote: The study sheds light on how cancer spreads in the blood (9 July 2020).

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