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Coronavirus forces closure of summer camps across the United States


There are no happy campers here.

Nationwide summer camps ended after canceling sessions or testing participants and employees as positive COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing among Coronavirus Pandemic.

Despite implementing health and safety measures such as social distance, masks and forced quarantine recently after opening this summer before arriving at summer camps in Missouri, Georgia, Georgia, and Arkansas. Report an outbreak.

In Missouri, 82 counselors, campers, and staff have tested positive for COVID-19 at the Canuck K-2 Camp in Lampe. (Camp Ozark / Facebook) (Camp Ozark / Facebook)

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In Missouri, 82 counselors, campers, and staff tested positive for COVID-19 at the Canuck K-2 Camp in Lampe. Stone County Department of Health It was announced on Monday. Christian Sports Camp Network Insist on drawing Over 23,000 children each year. Parents said they were notified by email that the KVID-19 was causing the K-2 site to be closed. NBC News.

Missouri camps have to report a positive case to the state, but Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Missouri Health Department, said Monday that authorities have no plans to close summer camps after the outbreak of Kanakku disease. It was

“I think school is very important to children, and camping is also important.”

He added that the camp plans to resume later this summer once test results from all employees have returned and shown to be safe.

However, Kanakku Kamp is not the only one fighting outbreaks.

In Texas, at least 76 cases of COVID-19 were associated with night camps for teens near Pine Cove Camp Columbus. Dozens of campers and staff who participated in Christian camps tested positive. As a result, weeks of programming were canceled.

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Ridge camp was reopened last week after being closed for two weeks in June, said pine cove spokesperson Susan Andreone.

In Georgia, two locations at YMCA’s Camp High Harbor were closed after reopening after a counselor tested positive for COVID-19. (Camp High Harbor / Facebook) (Camp High Harbor / Facebook)

In Georgia, counselors tested positive for COVID-19, and two locations at YMCA’s Camp High Harbor were closed in June after resumption. Atlanta Journal Constitution.. Both Lake Aratuna and Lake Burton are closed during the summer.

In Arkansas, Camp Ozark on Mount Ida was closed in summer after “several” campers and employees tested positive for viral illness. KATV Reported Wednesday. The camp, which is said to attract more than 7,000 children each year, does not reveal how many responded positively.

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According to the American Camp Association, about 26 million children usually attend camps throughout the United States each year. Currently, the camp association estimates that 19.5 million young people will miss in today’s camps and night camps due to a pandemic, but 6.5 million children are expected to still participate.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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