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Official data show that UK test and trace targets were missed


Boris Johnson by the end of June Coronavirus Testing may be returned within 24 hours and may not be met, according to data from the UK Government Testing and Tracing System.

The data also showed that only about 70% of infected person’s contacts were reached and required self-separation. This is well below the level that experts say is needed to limit the spread of the disease.

According to information covering June 25th to July 1st, 54.9% of tests from all test sites were received within 24 hours of being tested. According to the government, with the exception of home inspections, this amounted to 72.3% of all inspections.

Stronger performance was achieved through face-to-face testing conducted on local test sites and mobile test units. 91% were returned within 24 hours and 97.5% were returned sometime the next day.

However, about one in five people who tested positive could not be followed. Of the 77% who were contacted and were asked to provide the most recent contact details, we reached 10,547, or 70.8% of this total, and were asked to self-isolate.

Downing Street said “significant progress” has been made, but “needs to do more,” Johnson added, hoping to meet it “as soon as possible.” “We say this is a service that will improve over time,” Johnson and Chairman of the Test and Trace Service, Didharding, added.

“Overall, these numbers are disappointing,” said Leila McKay, director of the NHS Confederation, which represents the organization for the entire healthcare sector.

The number of people reached has improved little, and the proportion of those identified as close contacts who have been asked to contact themselves has decreased.

According to Sage, a scientific advisory group for emergencies, at least 80% of the close contacts of people infected with Covid-19 must be tracked and quarantined for the system to be effective. “These new numbers show that the system isn’t working well enough to keep the public safe,” said McKay.

“It’s good that the NHS testing and tracking system reaches a large number of people who test positive and give close contact details,” said Ian Hudspeth, chair of the Community Welfare Committee of the Municipal Association. And yet, there is concern. Nearly 20% of positive cases are missing.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has tested tens of thousands of taxi drivers, sweepers, and shop assistants on Friday from a test, and among the at-risk workers, the prevalence of asymptomatic Covid-19 infection. Announced to investigate the rate. exposure. Boots, BT, and Addison Lee are among the companies involved.

The results will be shared with the NHS testing and tracking program to enable contact tracking. Local authorities in Bradford, Newham, Brent, and Oldham are also required to identify and screen workers in high-risk occupations.

The government gives companies thousands of tests “via home test distribution or mobile test units” to employees, while local governments book at specific times and are asymptomatic at walk-through local test sites. I will do a test.”

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