Increasing liver protein may mimic the brain benefits of exercise
The power of exercise to strengthen the brain may require some help from the liver.
Chemical signals from the liver, caused by exercise, Helps older mice keep their brain sharpSuggests a study published on 10 July Science.. Understanding this signal from the liver to the brain may help scientists develop drugs that benefit the brain as well as exercise.
Many studies have shown that exercise helps the brain, for example, to buffer the memory loss associated with old age. Scientists have long sought “exercise pills” to help older people with weak motor skills and those who are at risk of exercise. “Can we somehow bring the same benefits to people who are unable to exercise?” Ask Saul Villeda, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.
Villeda and colleagues Rejuvenation effect Of blood from a young mouse (SN: 5/5/14). But instead of youth, researchers focused on fitness. The researchers injected sedentary aged mice with plasma from aged mice that voluntarily ran for six weeks. After eight injections in 24 days, sedentary old mice have more memory tasks than older mice injected from sedentary mice, such as remembering where the hidden platform is in the pool of water. Was excellent.
A comparison of plasma from exercised and sedentary mice showed abundant proteins produced in the liver of wheeled mice.
Researchers have studied one of these liver proteins, called GPLD1, produced in response to exercise. GPLD1 is an enzyme that is a kind of molecular scissors. It cuts out other proteins from the outside of the cell and releases them to do other work. Researchers suspect that targeting these biological tasks with molecules that behave like GPLD1 might be a way to mimic the brain benefits of movement.
The team found that older mice genetically engineered to produce more GPLD1 in the liver perform better in memory tasks than other older sedentary mice. Genetically engineered sedentary mice were as much a pool of water as exercised mice. “By letting the liver produce this one enzyme, we can actually replicate all of these beneficial effects of exercise in the brain,” Villeda said.
Blood samples from older people also suggest that exercise increases GPLD1 levels. As the pedometer data showed, physically active elderly people (defined as walking more than 7,100 steps a day) had higher amounts of protein than sedentary elderly people.
Researchers believe that GPLD1 seems to exert its effect from outside the brain, probably by altering the composition of blood in some way.
However, the role of GPLD1 has yet to be determined, so I caution Irina Convoy, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, who is studying aging. She pointed out that there was evidence that GPLD1 levels were higher in diabetics, implying that the protein might have a negative effect. Various experiments also suggest that GPLD1 levels may actually decrease in response to certain types of exercise in rats with markers of diabetes.
“We certainly know that exercise is good for you,” says Conboy. “And we know that this protein is present in the blood.” But she says, “I don’t yet know if GPLD1 is good or bad, or whether it’s exercised up or down,” she says.
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