Dallas County COVID-19 ER visits Thursday, reports 10 deaths and 1,201 new cases – NBC 5 Dallas Fort Worth
The Dallas county reported a surge of visits to emergency rooms related to COVID-19 on Thursday for the second consecutive day, confirming another 10 deaths and 1,201 new cases.
A Dallas county official said in a Thursday afternoon statement: “Visit to the emergency room for COVID-19-like symptoms in Dallas county increased to 824 in 24 hours by Wednesday night. Reported 786 ER visits in 24 hours, with 60 more than Wednesday, with the county now having 831 acute care patients being treated for COVID-19 infections.
In a statement Thursday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said, “It gets worse before things get better, and it’s up to us to wear masks whenever we’re around people outside the house.” Said. “Because of the expanding community, we are much more likely to come into contact with the infected person than when we had the shelter we ordered.”
Jenkins carries masks and eats at restaurants, gyms, day camps, arcades, cinemas, bowling alleys, amusement parks, concert venues, in case people unexpectedly arrive around. Avoid going to sports arenas, youth sports, public pools, weddings and other big events.
“This is a very important time in the fight against COVID-19. We expect to see more cases in the coming days. How much of this spike will be in our role It depends on each one,” Jenkins said on Wednesday.
Ten people in their 50s and 90s, one of the latest North Texas people to die after being infected with the virus, include:
- A Garlander in his fifties with an underlying disease who lived in a long-term care facility died of a serious illness at a local hospital.
- A Dallas woman in her 60s who was in hospital with basic health conditions.
- A Dallas man in his 60s had an underlying illness and was severely ill at a regional hospital.
- An Irving man in his 60’s, had an underlying illness and was severely ill at a regional hospital.
- A woman in Sunnyvale in her 60s who had an underlying illness and was severely ill at a regional hospital.
- A Dallas woman in her 70s with an underlying illness and was severely ill at a regional hospital.
- A Garlander in his 70s, had an underlying illness and was seriously ill at a local hospital.
- A Dallas woman in her 70s with basic health and died in a hospital emergency room.
- A Dallas man in his 70s had an underlying illness and was severely ill at a regional hospital.
- A 90s Dallas man with an underlying illness who died in a nursing home where he lived.
Of the 1,201 cases reported on Thursday, there are over 1,000 cases, which is the 7th day. The seven-day average for new cases has increased from an average of 209 per day on June 1 to 1,110 cases per day. Last week, Dallas County added new cases of 7,771 viruses.
The county has now accumulated more than 30,300 cases of the virus since it began testing in March. The virus has killed 436 people in the county, and is now the third-leading cause of death in the county behind heart disease and cancer, according to Dr. Philip Phan, director of health and social welfare in Dallas. ing.
The increase in the number of cases is due to the state’s positive rate, that is, the proportion of people with a positive virus stayed above 10% for more than two weeks and just above 15% on Wednesday. An increase in the positive rate indicates an increase in the spread of the virus, not an increase in testing for the virus.
According to the Texas Department of Health, an estimated 16,192 people (up to Thursday) in the county have recovered from the virus and an estimated 13,733 known patients are fighting the infection.
County officials said more than half of the new cases reported last week were young adults aged 18 to 39 years.
So far, 83% of cases requiring hospitalization reporting employment are key infrastructure workers, including healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, telecommunications, clergy, first responders, Has a wide range of affected occupational sectors, including others important features.
Two-thirds of cases requiring hospitalization are younger than 65 years, and about half do not have a high-risk chronic health condition. Diabetes is a potentially high-risk health condition reported in about one-third of all patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
Over the course of several weeks, the county reported that more than one-third of COVID-19-related deaths were residents of long-term care facilities.
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