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Flu Cases Fall, RSV and COVID Rise in Interior Health – Okanagan

Flu Cases Fall, RSV and COVID Rise in Interior Health – Okanagan


with Pharmasave of KelownaIn the Glenmore area of ​​​​B.C., there are usually few shelves full of over-the-counter medicines to treat symptoms of flu and other respiratory illnesses.

“Flu drug sales are insane to say the least,” said owner pharmacist Craig Tostenson.

Demand for flu drugs is unusually high this season, and manufacturers are struggling to keep up.

“Demand will continue as it’s flu season where sales are very tough,” Tostenson told Global News.

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This year’s flu season is said to be very different than usual.

“It started earlier and has become more pronounced,” said Dr Fatemeh Sabet, medical health officer at Interior Health (IH).

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With the surge of COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), medical experts have dubbed it the “Triple Pandemic.” This is a triple threat that is straining healthcare.

“We saw a simultaneous increase in a variety of respiratory infections this year,” Sabet said. “This is something we haven’t seen at this level in the years before the pandemic.”

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The Interior Health region saw a peak in cases in November and December, but IH said respiratory illness was still having a major impact.

“We continue to see high levels of respiratory infections,” Sabet said.

After being a major culprit earlier in the season, Sabet said flu numbers have declined.

However, that is not the case with RSV and COVID.

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“The number of RSV infections is up, and the number of COVID infections is up slightly,” she said.

Serious outcomes such as hospitalizations and deaths have now stabilized, according to the IH, but there are some people who need special attention.

“Older or younger people, infants under 6 months of age, and individuals with underlying medical conditions,” said Sabet. “It is therefore more important for these people to be aware that respiratory infections continue to circulate.”

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Sabet urged the public, especially vulnerable people, to take steps to protect themselves.

“The best thing we can do is stay up to date on vaccines,” she said. “If you are sick or have symptoms of a respiratory infection, stay home, wash your hands, avoid touching your face, sneeze or cough away from your elbow, wear a mask if necessary, etc. Please follow the hygiene measures of

Omicron variants continue to be the most prevalent strains of COVID-19 circulating within health areas, according to IH. Health officials are now eyeing that newer version, his XBB1.5 subvariant.

IH said most of BC’s cases are in the Lower Mainland, but health officials say it’s likely only a matter of time before the area is affected.

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“Considering previous experience with circulating respiratory infections, Interior Health follows the number of cases in the Lower Mainland,” Sabet said. “So we expect the numbers to grow here as well.”

Click to play video:

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© 2023 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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