COVID-19 is linked to major neurological conditions including stroke
- A new study by British scientists suggests that the rare and sometimes deadly inflammatory neurological condition has an increased prevalence due to pandemics.
- Researchers have discovered a rapid increase in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) in adults. This is a rare symptom usually seen in children and is caused by a viral infection.
- Researchers have found evidence that brain inflammation was probably caused by the immune response to the disease.
Researchers have yet to reveal the various ways COVID-19 can affect the body.
New studies outside the UK now show that neurological complications of COVID-19 may include delirium, brain inflammation, stroke and nerve damage.
Rare and sometimes fatal inflammatory neurological conditions also appear to have an increased prevalence due to pandemics, according to a new study by British scientists.
of InvestigationPublished this week in Brain magazine was led by researchers at University College London and University College London.
In particular, the researchers discovered spikes in adults with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), a rare symptom commonly seen in children caused by virus infection during the study period. Researchers typically see one adult patient with this condition each month.
However, during the study they saw an average of one adult per week at ADEM.
For this study, the researchers retrospectively reviewed clinical, radiological, laboratory, and neuropathological findings in 43 individuals aged 16 to 85 who had confirmed or suspected COVID-19. I reviewed. The patient was treated at the National Neurosurgery Hospital in London. Overall, there were 24 men and 19 women. Twenty-nine of these patients were defined with a clear COVID-19, eight were more likely and six were possible. The severity of COVID-19 symptoms varied from mild to severe.
The researchers identified 10 cases of transient encephalopathy, or temporary brain dysfunction with delirium. There were 12 brain inflammations, 8 strokes, and 8 other nerve-damaged cases.
Researchers have found evidence that brain inflammation was probably caused by the immune response to the disease. Researchers say this suggests that some neurological complications of COVID-19 may result from an immune response rather than the virus itself.
The researchers say the new study confirmed the previously reported findings of more stroke patients than expected. This is a condition caused by the “excessive stickiness” of blood in COVID-19 patients.
Still, they say that the long-term damage of COVID-19 remains unclear, as the disease has only been present for months.
Moreover, experts are unclear as to why the virus increases the risk of these neurological challenges.
“Possible possibilities include direct effects of the virus, the body’s own immune or inflammatory reactions, effects of hypoxia (hypoxia), changes in blood vessels, changes in blood coagulation (adhesiveness), severe Impact of serious illness (including long-term ICU stay in some patients), or a combination of these factors” Dr. Rachel Brown, A clinical researcher at University College London and co-lead author of the paper, by email.
“We have identified COVID-19 neurological findings in adult patients of all ages, genders, and ethnicities, and in patients with both mild and severe COVID-19 infections, with or without underlying health. As a retrospective cohort study, it is not possible at this time to state why these particular patients were affected, but this should be the focus of future studies.”
Brown added that while researchers are unable to give a clear estimate of the number affected, neurological complications of COVID-19 are likely to be rare.
“We’re probably reporting on the tougher end of the spectrum in this regard,” she said. “But for patients affected by neurological complications, effects can be life-changing and should not be underestimated. As always, COVID-19 should be taken seriously and public health Following the advice, you should limit the spread of the virus and the number of people affected.”
Dr. Serena SpuditchA neurology professor at Yale University School of Medicine described the study as “a very valuable collection of explanations by a group of world-class neurology experts, all working to draw cohesive conclusions from different patient groups. It represents the best and most thoughtful type of clinical case series.”
Still Dr. Gilherme DabasInterventional Neuroradiologists at the Miami Cardiovascular Institute and the Baptist Neuroscience Institute found that the study found why so many patients develop neurological syndromes and why there are so many between them. Who said it demonstrates that it does not fully understand what different types of neurological symptoms are.
This emphasizes the need for the medical community to be aware of the possible neurological syndromes that could affect COVID-19 patients, so he said he is paying attention to signs and symptoms. Said.
“Some of these neurological symptoms, such as stroke, are time sensitive, and rapid suspicion and diagnosis may be the difference between life and death,” he said.
Added Dr. George TiterbaumCOVID-19 is a highly virulent virus with various manifestations, which is an interventional neuroradiologist who is responsible for the Stroke and Aneurysm Center at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. It is known to be.
“It turns out to be a more complex virus than we expected,” he said.
He added that one of the lessons of this study reminds us that we must follow basic precautionary guidelines, such as the use of face masks, hand sanitizers, and social distances.
“They are very effective at reducing spread,” he said. “This is not a political issue. It’s a public health issue. For some people, it’s a matter of life and death, especially if they’re old and in a fundamental condition. This is not rocket science. .”
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