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“I Can Recover at Home”: Cosmetic Surgeons See Increasing Patients in Pandemic


People undergoing cosmetic surgery in the United StatesImage copyright
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Many clinics around the world say an increasing number of people are undergoing surgery

Many cosmetic surgery clinics around the world report increasing numbers of people being treated during a coronavirus outbreak because they can hide the treatment behind a mask or work from home.

Despite antivirus companies around the world, many plastic surgery clinics remain open, with more rigorous measures such as Covid-19 testing and more frequent cleaning.

Clinics in the United States, Japan, South Korea and Australia are seeing an increasing number of patients being treated, including lip fillers, botox, face lifts and nasal jobs.

“I can cure at my own pace, so I decided to perform the procedure during quarantine,” Aaron Hernandez, who removed lip filler and buccal (cheek) fat in Los Angeles, told the BBC.

“Shaping my lips is not something every man tends to do, so some people may find it different.

At the last procedure before quarantine, he had to get out of the public for work and his lips were “very swollen and hurt.”

Texas-based cosmetic surgeon Rod J. Laurich said he is seeing more patients. “More than I say, it’s normal. If we want, we can probably open 6 days a week. That’s amazing,” he told the BBC.

He usually said that people would have to take their home recovery into account when considering surgery, but it is not necessary to consider this because many people now work from home.

“They can actually recover at home. You can also have a mask to wear when you go out after rhinoplasty or cosmetic surgery. People want to resume their normal lives And part of it seems to feel.”

The United States is not the only one with an increasing number of patients during outbreaks.

Famous for cosmetic surgery, South Korea was one of the first countries to see a viral case. Instead of forcing a national blockade, there were social distance plans with those who were encouraged to work at home.

Although the number of foreign tourists is declining at beauty clinics, locals are coming to the clinic for treatment. Many clinics have chosen to offer discounts to locals.

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Cosmetic surgery is very popular in Korea and locals flock to the clinic

54 year old junior high school teacher People who had eyelid surgery in February “All the plastic surgery clinics I visited were packed,” he told Jungan Daily.

BK Hospital in Seoul told the BBC that more people were starting to come to the clinic, although people were nervous at the beginning of the pandemic.

“Patients have begun to undergo safe and comfortable surgery despite Covid-19. The number of patients is continuously increasing,” said a spokesperson.

“Despite the coronavirus, its number is estimated to increase by half compared to the same season last year.”

According to a spokesperson, inquiries from foreign patients are increasing.

“The number of inquiries online has increased significantly, as we had online consultation and had the opportunity to prepare for travel in advance when travel restrictions were lifted.”

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Japanese people were told to stay home during the outbreak

Japan has not made an official blockade, but Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced an emergency that lasted until May 31. People were asked to stay at home.

Nevertheless, there has been an increase in the number of patients in the clinic who want to receive treatment.

Due to this surge, the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Medicine has come to warn that “cosmetic treatment is not essential for many people.” It asked people to stay away from surgery To prevent further spread of the virus.

“As a day-ready outpatient orthopedic clinic, we certainly saw an influx of patients wishing to be treated during this period,” said Michele Tajiri, a clinic coordinator at Bliss Clinic in Fukuoka.

“The main reason is that they’re not working and downtime isn’t an issue, and because everyone is wearing a mask, facial treatments can easily be disguised. .”

For Hernandez, the ongoing surgery was the perfect time. “It definitely allowed more time to heal. If I was driving I could take medications that I wouldn’t have been able to take, and my lips and facial area Could be frozen more.”

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