Neuroimaging still can’t find PTSD
There are still problems with neuroimaging technology that need to be solved before doctors can translate images of the brain into psychiatric disorders such as PTSD, researchers report.
A few years ago, the National Institute of Mental Health invested billions of dollars to find biomarkers of brain activity that indicated the biological roots of many of the mental disorders commonly identified today by clinical assessment of astrology. started research activities. of often overlapping symptoms reported by patients.
“The idea is to forget about categorizing diseases by symptoms and find the underlying biological cause,” said Ilan Harpaz-Rotem, a professor of psychiatry and psychology at Yale University and senior author of the study. I’m here. American Journal of Psychiatry.
For the new study, the research team builds on previous national neuroimaging studies in which Emory and Harvard scientists linked clusters of brain activity to varying outcomes in patients arriving in U.S. emergency departments after traumatic events. I tried to reproduce the findings of
Specifically, when researchers measured brain activity in patients while performing simple tasks (including tasks that examined responses to threats and rewards), they found high responsiveness to both threat and reward cues. and detected clusters of brain activity that appeared to predict more severe symptoms. Later to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
However, when researchers at Yale University analyzed similar neuroimaging data collected from recent trauma survivors in Israel, they were unable to replicate these findings. We identified different clusters of brain activity in the brain, but found no association with future PTSD symptoms.
“This is not to say that one dataset is correct and the other is wrong. Developing a reliable model that can be generalized across different studies requires many fundamental It means we have to do a lot of work,” says Ziv Ben-Zion. He is a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University School of Medicine and the corresponding author of the study.
In fact, Yale researchers are now working with researchers from the original Emory Harvard study to synthesize the dataset and “search for common underlying patterns of brain activity associated with different responses to trauma.” We are,” says Ben Zion.
“It took about 100 years to come up with the current classification of psychiatric disorders, but the last decade has only been exploring ways to use biomarkers to improve psychiatric diagnoses,” says Harpaz. – says Rotem. “We still have a long way to go.”
sauce: Yale University
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