Research explains why humans taste some flavors faster than others
New research may explain why humans register some tastes faster than others, probably due to the molecular size of each flavor.
Research published in a journal last month PLOS Computational biologyIt also provided an explanation of why humans quickly register tastes when food and drink move quickly over the tongue, compared to when held firmly in the mouth.
Findings show that both the speed at which food and drink move in the mouth and the size of the molecules of food we consume affect taste abilities.
Our tongue has a teat that acts like a sea of kelp in the sea. Their teats-small ridges on the human tongue that contain taste buds-move and shake as food and drink pass through them. “
Lead author of the paper, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, Ohio State University School of Medicine, Kai Zhao
There are four types of teats on the human tongue. Three of them contain taste buds. (The fourth type is the most abundant on the tongue and serves primarily as a way to increase friction.)
For this study, the researchers used a range of salty and sweet stimuli to model how taste travels around the tongue’s teat. Researchers have also built computer models that simulate past studies of taste.
The model considered the human tongue to be a porous surface, with the space between the teats acting like holes in a sponge. Next, the researchers simulated what would happen if they passed a range of salty and sweet tastes on the surface, first with a quick rush, once with a violent rush, and then slowly.
They found that as soon as the taste was passed over the tongue, it penetrated into the nipple gaps faster, which recorded the taste faster.
And their findings could explain why taste buds registered sweeter compounds with smaller molecular sizes earlier than those with larger molecular sizes, such as salty taste.
“Smaller molecules may diffuse faster, and we think this may be the reason they pass through the teat gap faster,” Zhao said.
This study focused on the early stages of taste-what happens before taste buds register taste-compared to other sensations-for example, visual and sound-taste works with a type of time delay. You will hear a sound as soon as it is emitted. The taste buds take a little longer to register the taste.
“The initial reaction depends on how the molecules we consume consume the surface of the tongue,” Zhao said. “It’s a complicated process.”
Prior to this study, scientists knew that dropping a tasty solution onto a person’s tongue increased the taste intensity of that solution over time. But they didn’t know why that happened.
Chao said scientists speculate that increased taste is associated with the teat, so in this study, his lab focused on researching how the teat works.
“Our taste is important,” he said. “They help us understand what foods we eat, how much we should eat, and how to balance our body’s nutritional and energy needs.”
Taste buds also help humans avoid toxic substances, identify edible and nutritious foods, and contribute to humans’ cravings for things like ice cream and potato chips. can do.
Zhao said his lab decided to focus on the early stages of taste, as it relates to many other public health issues such as nutrition and obesity.
See journal:
Wu, Z & Zhao, K (2020) Taste of time: A porous medium model of the human tongue surface that affects early taste. PLOS Computational biology..
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