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Early detection and signs to look out for

Early detection and signs to look out for


Grand Rapids, Michigan — in January cervical cancer awareness monthAbout 13,000 cases are detected each year in the United States, and 4,000 women die each year, according to the CDC. FOX 17 spoke with experts about the importance of early detection and warning signs.

“Cervical cancer is one of the few cancers other than breast cancer that we really screen for properly,” said Kevin Brader, a gynecologic oncologist at the University of Michigan Health West.

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 8 new cases of cervical cancer for every 100,000 women in the United States. Cases were reported and two women died. Here in Michigan, 323 cases of cervical cancer were reported.

“Cervical cancer has a precancerous condition, which means it’s not cancer, it’s going to be cancer. It can be detected at a later date,” Dr. Brader said.

That screening is called a Pap smear. According to him, almost all cervical cancer diagnoses start with his HPV (human papillomavirus), which also affects men.

“Almost all of them, at least 95%, are caused by HPV, although there are some rare types that are not caused by HPV,” Dr. Braeder said.

He said that anyone who is sexually active is at risk of being exposed to HPV, and both men and women initially have no symptoms.

The HPV vaccine is recommended to prevent cervical cancer in everyone under the age of 26. According to the CDC, people in this age group are more likely to already be infected, so they see less benefit, so it’s not recommended for older people. to HPV.

Signs of cervical cancer include abnormal uterine bleeding and bleeding after intercourse. Both can indicate that cancer has already started.

Dr. Brader explains why it’s important to detect precancer before it becomes cancer. It takes about seven years to develop into cancer, he says, which is a big opportunity.

A Pap smear is recommended at least every 3 years for women ages 21-65. Women aged 30-65 are recommended to have a Pap smear along with an HPV test every 5 years.

Dr. Brader says cases of early-diagnosed cervical cancer can be treated with surgery.

“This is a specific type of surgery that removes not only the cervix, but also the tissue adjacent to it, called a total hysterectomy. Alternatively, the cervix itself is removed to preserve the uterus. and young women can have children.

He also says that cervical cancer can be treated with radiation, but this is usually the case if it’s beyond stage 1. Chemotherapy is also used. Most of these cases are curable and pregnancy is possible even if detected early.

“It definitely reduced the incidence of cervical cancer,” Dr. Braider said.

Regarding prevention, he recommends quitting smoking because smoking increases the presence of HPV, which is known to cause cervical cancer. He also tells us to practice safe sex and get updates on the Pap smear and his HPV test.

read more: How can men prevent cervical cancer?

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