The link between mental health and ADHD is strong, so why not pay attention to it?
Newswise — Adults with high levels of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms experience more anxiety and depression than adults with high levels of autistic traits, according to a new study led by psychologists at the University of Bath, UK. more likely to experience illness.
This study This is the first study to show that ADHD is more likely to predict poor mental health in adults than other neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism.
To date, information on the impact of ADHD on mental health decline has been scarce, with far more research focusing on the impact of autism on depression, anxiety and quality of life. As a result, people with ADHD often struggle to access the clinical care needed to manage their symptoms.
The study authors hope their findings will spark new research on ADHD and ultimately improve mental health outcomes for people with the condition. A neurodevelopmental condition characterized by mobility and impulsivity.State is presumed to affect 3% to 9% of the population.
blue monday
speaking on blue monday (January 16th) – Third Monday in January. Described by some as the most depressing day of the year – Principal Investigator, Luke Hargitaysaid:
“Researchers also struggle to statistically separate the importance of ADHD and autism for mental health outcomes because ADHD and autism frequently occur together.”
Hargitai, a PhD Research Fellow at the University of Bath, adds:
A new study from the University of Bath, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and King’s College London was published this week in a prestigious journal. scientific reportIn the same month, two British television personalities, Johnny Vegas and Sue Perkins, opened up about their recent ADHD diagnoses.
“This condition affects many people, both children and adults, and the fact that more people are willing to talk about it should be welcomed,” Hargitay said. “We hope that increased awareness will lead to more research in this area and better resources to help individuals better manage their mental health.”
Overly active, as if driven by a motor
This study used a large nationally representative adult sample from the UK population. All participants completed a gold-standard questionnaire, one for autistic traits and one for ADHD traits, and were asked to answer questions such as “I am often obsessed with one thing” or ” How often do you feel like you are overly active and have to do something?” motor drive? “
Researchers have found that ADHD traits are very useful in predicting the severity of anxiety and depression symptoms. The higher your level of ADHD traits, the more likely you are to experience severe mental health symptoms. Through innovative analytical techniques, the study authors further confirmed that anxiety and depression were more strongly associated with her ADHD personality traits than with autistic traits. .
These results were reproduced with 100% ‘recall’ in computerized simulations. This indicates with great confidence that ADHD traits are almost certainly associated with more severe anxiety and depressive symptoms in adults than autistic traits.
Shifting research and clinical focus
Hargitai said: This can help identify those at highest risk for anxiety and depression, so preventative measures, such as supporting children and adults in managing ADHD symptoms, can be implemented early to improve people’s health. You can have a greater impact on improving your condition. “
according to Dr. Puneet ShahSenior Author and Associate Professor of Psychology at Bath, Another important aspect of the new research is to advance the scientific understanding of neurodevelopmental conditions.
“By addressing the shortcomings of previous studies, our study provides new information about the often overlooked complex relationship between neurodiversity and mental health in adults.
“More research is needed to understand exactly why ADHD is associated with poor mental health, especially with respect to the mental processes that drive anxiety and depressive thoughts in people with ADHD characteristics.
“Currently, ADHD research, especially psychology research, is underfunded, especially when compared to the relatively high level of funding directed toward autism.
“Given evidence that ADHD is not just a childhood condition but persists throughout life, research plans need to be adjusted to better understand ADHD in adulthood.”
Commenting on the new findings, CEO Tony Floyd, Ph.D. ADHD Foundation, Neurodiversity Foundation“This study provides clear evidence of an increased risk of mental health complications associated with ADHD in adults. It is my hope that this study will lead to more research being commissioned in this area and that it will lead to change in the design and delivery of health care services.
“The cost implications for the NHS of leaving ADHD untreated, and the need to better train health workers in both primary and secondary care, are now becoming clearer. , there are also other costs to consider such as health, family life, employability, financial well-being for British citizens with ADHD, etc. These costs are often hidden but substantial.
“This study from the University of Bath adds to the growing public debate and business case for a national review of health services for ADHD across the lifespan of individuals.”
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