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Non-Hispanic black adults more likely to be diagnosed with appendicitis later

Non-Hispanic black adults more likely to be diagnosed with appendicitis later
Non-Hispanic black adults more likely to be diagnosed with appendicitis later


January 18, 2023

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Reyes does not report related financial disclosures. See research for relevant financial disclosures of all other authors.

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A recent study found that non-Hispanic black adults had a higher rate of delayed diagnosis of appendicitis in ED compared with white adults and an increased risk of perforated appendicitis and postoperative infection.

according to Ana M. Reyes, MD, MPH, Earlier studies found that non-Hispanic black children were more likely to have appendicitis diagnosed late or missed and were less likely to undergo imaging tests, according to a general surgery resident at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami and his colleagues. have been shown to be lower and more likely to perforate appendicitis. With non-Hispanic white children.

Data derived from: Reyes A, et al. JAMA surgery2023; doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2022.7055.

“However, in adults, less is known about the impact of delayed diagnosis on acute appendicitis outcome,” the researchers wrote. JAMA surgery“Additionally, to our knowledge, no study has documented rates of delayed diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adults at the population level.”

Reyes et al. analyzed data from 80,312 patients who underwent appendectomy in four states between January 2016 and December 2017 and examined the association between race, ethnicity, and acute appendicitis diagnosis and outcome. was investigated. Data were extracted from the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality’s Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project state inpatient database and state emergency department databases.

Of the total study group, 24.8% of the participants were between the ages of 25 and 34, and 50.8% were female. Non-Hispanic white adults made up 60.8% of the participants, and non-Hispanic blacks made up 10.9% of him.

Reyes et al. found that 2.5% of patients experienced delayed appendicitis. Compared with white patients, non-Hispanic black patients were 1.41 (95% CI, 1.21–1.63) times more likely to delay diagnosis.

Delays in diagnosis also worsened patient outcomes, researchers said. Patients with delayed diagnosis had a 1.38 (95% CI, 1.23–1.56)-fold higher postoperative 30-day hospital occupancy than those with non-delayed diagnosis.

“Even after adjusting for delay in diagnosis, non-Hispanic blacks had 1.22 times higher postoperative 30-day hospital occupancy than non-Hispanic white patients,” the researchers wrote.

Results further showed that patients with Medicaid were 1.27 (95% CI, 1.14-1.43) more likely to have a delayed diagnosis than those with private insurance. Hospitals where Medicaid patients accounted for more than 50% of his discharges were 3.51 (95% CI, 1.69–7.28) more likely to delay diagnosis. They may provide lower quality care than hospitals with a large private payer population,” Reyes and colleagues wrote.

Specifically, patients in hospitals with more than 50% Hispanic or non-Hispanic Black populations had an adjusted diagnosis delay rate of 0.73 (95%) compared with hospitals with less than 25% Hispanic or non-Hispanic Black populations. CI, 0.59-0.91) was low. Hispanic black population. The researchers said the findings could be the effect of improved cultural understanding in hospitals serving primarily an underrepresented population, “particularly those experiencing disproportionately poor outcomes.” I inferred that there is

“If better care for minority patients is to be achieved through a diverse workforce and diverse patient populations, more work needs to be done to increase the diversity of the healthcare workforce and strengthen clinician education. Cultural competence and anti-racism,” they wrote. “Finally, policymakers need to work to ensure even reimbursement for care provided in hospitals with diverse patient populations.”





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