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Two children died of Covid-19-related Kawasaki-like illness in a study of 78 children in the UK


At least two British children died of an associated illness such as Kawasaki COVID-19The doctor revealed.

In the largest study of its kind, a pediatrician detailed the course of a mysterious inflammatory disease in 78 hospitalized adolescents.

All were on intensive care and almost half were on artificial respiration. Two children have died and one is still receiving emergency care.

All youths with an average age of 11 showed fever. Some had shock, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Doctors around the world have also reported sick children suffering from a rash, red eyes, and swelling of the legs.

The fatal complications of the disease appear to be related to the burden on the heart-but the exact details of how the complications kill remain unknown.

Almost 80% were from the background of blacks, Asians and ethnic minorities (BAME). Scientists are now confused about why this is.

Most children were not positive for Covid-19 in the swab test, but they had the antibody and were found to have been infected in the past.

In the largest study of its kind, a pediatrician detailed the course of a mysterious inflammatory disease in 78 hospitalized adolescents.  The most common symptoms were fever, shock, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.  Other symptoms reported by other doctors are red eyes, headaches, swelling of limbs, confusion

In the largest study of its kind, a pediatrician detailed the course of a mysterious inflammatory disease in 78 hospitalized adolescents. The most common symptoms were fever, shock, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Other symptoms reported by other doctors are red eyes, headaches, swelling of limbs, confusion

This disease has been compared to Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki disease mainly affects children under 5 years of age and causes swelling of blood vessels throughout the body.

It is temporarily called Childhood Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS) and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C).

To date, less than 200 cases of PIMS-TS have been reported in England, varying in symptoms and severity. Most children have already recovered.

Two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed approximately 300 cases of life-threatening syndrome in the United States.

What do we know about the new illness?

What is it called?

This illness is likened to Kawasaki disease, which primarily affects children under the age of five.

However, because it is new and unlike Kawasaki, it is temporarily called Childhood Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS).

What symptoms does it cause?

The majority of children hospitalized in this condition have high fever, severe abdominal pain, and diarrhea for several days.

Some people develop a rash and red eyes or red lips, but a very small group may be in shock, affecting their hearts, cooling their limbs and breathing faster.

Symptoms are similar to those caused by Kawasaki disease. It is a rare but treatable condition that affects approximately 8 in 100,000 children in the UK each year.

Who will be affected?

PIMS-TS appears to be more likely to affect older children than Kawasaki disease (average 9 vs. 4 years old, respectively), a British researcher recently wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Up to 80% of the children affected in a study of 78 children by the Royal Society of Pediatrics were from Blacks, Asians, and ethnic minorities (BAMEs).

Similarly, more than half (57%) of the 21 youth diagnosed at hospitals in Paris had an African heritage, whereas 29% of Europeans did.

Dr. Sara Hanna, Medical Director of Evelina London Children’s Hospital, said that 70-80% of children found in London hospitals have BAME.

When did the official first start looking at the case?

The NHS sent a warning to doctors on April 27, alerting them to watch for signs of the syndrome.

At that time, the number of cases was very small in London for about 3 weeks. Since then, they have spread throughout the country.

To date, less than 200 cases of PIMS-TS have been reported in the UK, according to researchers at the Imperial College Academic Health Sciences Center. The UK figures are not clear.

Is it due to SARS-COV-2, Coronaville?

Doctors are almost convinced that the disease is caused by the coronavirus, but we can’t prove it yet.

Cases began to appear as the UK coronavirus peaked and similar symptoms were reported in China and Italy during the pandemic.

However, not all children with Kawasaki-like syndrome are virus positive. Swab tests suggest that some children are not infected with COVID-19 at the time of illness.

However, doctors say all patients tested positive for antibodies, which means they have been infected with coronavirus in the past.

They say this suggests that this is a “post-infection phenomenon” caused by a delay in the overreaction of the immune system, which can take weeks or up to a month after a child is infected with Covid-19. There is.

Is it treatable?

Yes. However, at least two deaths have been reported, according to RCPCH.

The only child known to have died with it, a 14-year-old boy, died of a stroke caused by the life support device he was in.

Doctors are currently using drugs to treat the condition by calming the immune system and curbing excess reactions.

Dr. Liz Whitaker, a pediatrician at Imperial College Healthcare in London, says most sick children are usually very sick for 4-5 days and start recovering within a few days of starting treatment.

Doctors are almost convinced that the disease is caused by the coronavirus, but have yet to prove it.

A few weeks after being infected with a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, children appear to get sick with PIMS-TS.

This study LancetAdmission to pediatric intensive care between April 1 and May 10 was at least 11-fold higher than the historical trend of similar inflammatory conditions.

Dr Patrick Davies, a consultant intensive care specialist at Nottingham Children’s Hospital, published a study of 78 children across 21 of the 23 UK pediatric intensive care units during that period.

They met the condition definitions newly outlined by each Royal College of Pediatrics To help both doctors and parents find signs.

All cases studied had fever and the children also had shock, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

They were given various treatments and one child was given the antiviral drug lemdecivir. It was the first drug approved for use in the NHS to treat Covid-19 in May.

One third of patients were found to have coronary artery abnormalities. These included coronary aneurysms, which are abnormal dilations of the arteries that feed the heart.

4% of patients had significant blood clots affecting blood flow within the blood vessels.

Doctors believe the survival rate is high because 3 percent (2) of the study children died.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Padmanahan Lam Narayan, told MailOnline:

“But this study shows that the condition is rare, affecting a few children overall, and that the results for people who needed ICU care are generally very good.” I will.”

He added that PIMS-TS is an inflammatory condition that causes a phenomenon similar to the “cytokine storm” described in adults with Covid-19.

Cytokine storms, although potentially deadly, are when the immune response becomes excessive and immune cells also attack healthy tissue.

Dr. Ramnarayan, a consultant for Pediatric Intensive Care Search at Great Ormond Street Hospital, said:[It] It can affect multiple organs, including the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels.

The researchers did not reveal who died in the study cohort. It is not clear if they are the two previously reported British deaths associated with Kawasaki and Covid-14 year old boy and 8 month old baby.

On May 13, the death of a 14-year-old unnamed boy treated at the Everina London Children’s Hospital was reported on May 13. He was a member of the PIMTS group at the hospital.

A baby with no underlying illness, Alexander Parsons, died after being admitted to the Deliford Hospital in Plymouth on April 6th.

On the day of his death he was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease and had a ruptured aneurysm, but his parents said if his case was associated with Covid-19, When.

Dr Lam Narayan said clinicians around the world have already made significant progress in understanding PIMS-TS. Sun Report.

“But many aspects of the condition remain unclear, including why it affects only some children and what are the long-term effects of having this condition,” he added. It was

Senior author Dr. Barney Scholefield said that a wealth of information has been made available to help treat cases.

“A large group of child intensive care clinicians across the NHS have collaborated rapidly to help us understand this condition,” a pediatric intensive care consultant at the Women and Children NHS Foundation Trust and a study at the University of Birmingham. Said the person.

Dr Patrick Davis, a researcher at the Pediatric Intensive Care specialist who is a dissertation and consultant at Nottingham Children’s Hospital, said the key to successful treatment is “close cooperation with many specialists.”

Led by Imperial College London, American Medical Association Journal Last month it revealed the main features of the new condition.

PIMS-TS affects children aged 9 on average. This is older than a Kawasaki child who is usually four years old.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea are often associated with common features such as persistent fever.

Blood tests have markers of inflammation and cardiac enzymes in patients with PIMS-TS, suggesting that the heart is taut.

Kawasaki disease is known for the fact that a child’s growth does not damage the coronary arteries and reduces the amount of blood that can reach the heart.

Researchers say they can’t be certain that the new illness is caused by Covid-19, but 45 of the 58 children involved in their study found that 45 were from eight English hospitals. , Said there was evidence of current or past coronavirus infections.

They said that PISMT, though very rare, can cause complications if a child is “very ill” and left untreated.

Dr. Julia Kenny, a consultant in childhood infections and immunology at Everina London, said: “Our analysis has shown that this is certainly a new state.

“Untreated, very unwell children are at risk of serious complications, but early identification and treatment have yielded very good results.

The lead author, Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker, Department of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London, said: “I ask parents who are worried about their children to follow their usual instincts. Your child still applies here.

A Boston Children’s Hospital study suggested that four out of five required intensive care and mechanical ventilation, which was confirmed by a study in New York.

Of the total of 281 cases studied and reported in the New England Journal of Medicine in June, 6 patients died.

If Kawasaki disease is misdiagnosed as a coronavirus, leading doctors fear that children may be at risk of fatal heart damage.

The Kawasaki charity in the United Kingdom has warned that if a real case of Kawasaki disease is misdiagnosed as Covid-19, it could put a child at risk of permanent heart damage.


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