3D-printed tumor models may advance new cancer treatments
January 20, 2023 – Scientists have made major strides in the fight against cancer.Risk of dying from cancer in the United States 27% reduction Over the past two decades, we owe the researchers who have continued to unravel the intricate details of how cancer works and advance treatments.
Now, new technologies in 3D bioprinting (such as 3D printing of the human body using actual human cells) are enabling scientists to develop 3D tumor models that better represent samples from patients, thereby contributing to their research. promises to speed up
The impact could be “huge,” said Y. Shrike Zhang, Ph.D., assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and associate bioengineer at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 3D bioprinting researchers“It’s not the only technique that allows for modeling tumors in vitro, but it’s certainly one of the most capable.”
Why is it important?because 2D cell culture The methods that scientists often use today may not capture all the intricacies of how cancer grows, spreads and responds to treatment. This is one reason why there are so few potential new cancer drugs. One estimate puts it at 3.4% – Can pass all clinical trials. results may not be carried over from Culture dish to patient.
3D bioprint models, on the other hand, provide a “Microenvironment” – All parts (cells, molecules, blood vessels) that surround the tumor.
“The tumor microenvironment plays an essential role in defining how cancer progresses.” Maduri Day, a PhD candidate and researcher at Pennsylvania State University. “The in vitro 3D model is [cancer] It elucidates how tumors respond to chemotherapeutic or immunotherapeutic treatments when present in a natural-like microenvironment. ”
Dey study (Funded by the National Science Foundation), breast cancer tumors have been 3D bioprinted and successfully treated. Unlike his previous 3D models of cancer cells, this model better mimics its microenvironment, Dey explains.
So far, “3D bioprinting of cancer models has been limited to bioprinting individual cancer cells laden with hydrogels,” she says. However, she and her colleagues have developed a technique (called aspiration-assisted bioprinting) that can control the position of blood vessels relative to tumors. “This model lays the groundwork for studying these nuances of cancer,” she says.
“It’s a very cool study,” Zhang said of the Penn State University study (in which he was not involved). “Angiogenesis is always an important factor. [a] Most of the tumor types. Models incorporating blood vessels offer a “critical niche” that will help tumor models reach their full potential in cancer research.
3D printer for your body
You may have heard of 3D printing, or you own (or know someone who has) a 3D printer. The concept is similar to regular printing, but instead of spraying ink onto paper, 3D printers eject layers of plastic or other materials hundreds or thousands of times to object from scratch.
three dimensional bioprinting To create biological structures such as skin, blood vessels, organs, and bones, they function in much the same way, except that these layers are made of living cells.
Bioprinting is popular since 1988So far it has been mainly used in research environments such as the field regenerative medicineResearch is ongoing ear reconstruction, nerve regeneration, skin regeneration. This technique was also recently used in creation. eye tissue To help researchers study eye diseases.
According to Dey, the technology’s potential for cancer research has yet to be fully realized.but it might be to change.
“The use of 3D bioprinted tumor models is approaching translation in cancer research,” says Zhang. “They are being increasingly adopted in the research field, [the technology] It is being investigated by the pharmaceutical industry for use in developing cancer drugs. ”
Bioprinting can be automated, Zhang said, giving researchers the potential to create high-quality, complex tumor models at scale.
Such 3D models could replace or even reduce the use of animals in tumor drug testing, says Dey. “Since animal physiology does not match that of humans, it is hoped to provide more accurate drug responses compared to animal models.”
of FDA Modernization Act 2.0A new U.S. law that eliminates the requirement to test drugs on animals before humans “further paves the way for such technology in the drug development pipeline,” Zhang says.
What if you could build a custom tumor model for each patient?
Dey says bioprinting’s possible uses extend beyond the lab. Imagine he could customize a 3D tumor model based on an individual patient’s biopsy. Physicians can test many treatments on these patient-specific models, so they can more accurately predict how each patient will respond to different treatments. This will help your doctor decide which treatment is best for you.
In Dey’s study, 3D models were treated with chemotherapy and immunotherapy and responded to both. This highlights the potential for such 3D models of his to reveal the body’s immune response and be used to screen treatments, he says.
“In the future, we hope that this technology will be applied in hospitals to accelerate the course of cancer care,” said Dey.
To that end, she and her colleagues are currently conducting studies using real breast cancer tumors that have been removed from patients, and are making them in 3D in the lab for use in screening chemotherapy and immunotherapy. I am reproducing.
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