Two virus seasons? Scientists worried that outbreaks of dengue may exacerbate the Covid-19 crisis
The impact of the “Deng Covid-19” season requires two different diagnostic tests, which can be devastating to patients. Each disease further complicates coping with other diseases and is probably more deadly.
The number of Covid-19 cases is competing towards the 8,00,000 mark on Friday with 7,93,802 cases and 21,604 deaths, but the incidence of dengue is high.
Based on 2016-2019 data, virologist Shahid Jameel estimates that there are approximately 100,000 to 200,000 confirmed cases of dengue in India each year.
According to the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP), 1,36,422 dengue cases were diagnosed in 2019, with an estimated 132 deaths.
“The virus is endemic, it exists throughout southern India and occurs in the monsoon and early winter in northern India,” CEO of DBT / Wellcome Trust India Alliance, a public interest organization investing in building a framework for biomedical and health research. Jameel told PTI.
I have symptoms such as Covid-19 and high fever, headache, and body aches. The dengue season could exacerbate the situation for Covid-19, as both viruses could complement each other, warning Dhrubjyoti Chattopadhyay, virologist and vice president of the Amity University in Kolkata. did.
“This situation hasn’t been fully studied, but the information available from South America proves to be dangerous and poses significant challenges to their healthcare infrastructure,” he said.
“The effects are very important. Co-infection is much more deadly because the main symptoms overlap, and weakening the immune system helps others to become more deadly.”
At the beginning of the dengue season, virologist Upasana Lei joins and the mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, has a high rate of infection, and the infection is actively spreading.
“Every season, the outbreak of dengue puts a lot of stress on the hospital ward, and that time is almost out of hand. So wondering what would happen if you treat the two threats together? I have symptoms. Have you prepared to distinguish between Dengue and Covid 19?” asked Senior Researcher Kolkata, CSIR-IICB.
There are many challenges.
Most patients with a three-day fever should be tested for dengue and for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19.
“Given the current number of Covid-19 patients, does our hospital have beds available for dengue patients, or will only severe dengue cases be treated in the hospital?” she asked. It was
Jamir, who explained how the virus appears in the human body, Dengue virus Mosquitoes bite into the subcutaneous layer of the skin, where they reach lymph nodes, which are rich in blood cells called monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
He said the virus proliferates primarily in these cells and can severely alter the basic response of these cells to cytokine production, body injury and infection.
On the other hand, SARS-CoV-2 enters cells primarily through the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal passages and first replicates in epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract.
However, in some cases, the infection travels down the trachea to the lungs where it infects the air sacs that exchange oxygen and blood. When the immune system tries to fight the virus, it causes inflammation, fluid buildup in the lungs, and dyspnea and oxygen demand.
“That means both viruses infect via different pathways and different cell types. Of course, there is overlap in their physiological effects and immunological responses. They can make each disease worse than either infection. It will be the highest,” said Jameel.
The most likely impact he said would be on health care capabilities.
“The first clinical symptoms are similar-high fever-one will be neglected at the expense of the other. Because hospitals are mainly Covid-19 mode, they may refuse dengue patients,” Jameel said. It was
He said this has already been seen in relation to pregnancy care and childbirth, Dialysis And tuberculosis processing.
“We must also carefully develop a dengue test for febrile illness. Thankfully India has a very good test for the dengue virus. For example, the NS1 antigen test positive on the first day of fever.”
Pointed out that there is no Ray vaccine They are clinically available and there are no specific antiviral agents to treat them.
“This infection can represent mild to severe forms of the infection, including simple dengue, severe dengue, and hemorrhagic fever,” Ray said.
“We are already in the midst of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, hospitals are running out of beds, but the government is trying to reach that level best. We still have enough equipment to deal with the growing problem. Is not … Coronavirus Daily incidents occurred in India.”
According to Ray, there is little time in the country before the full-blown dengue season begins, so careful preparation is required.
“Many dengue patients don’t stay in the critical care unit (CCU), but a good percentage. Do you have enough ICUs and CCUs to tackle dengue and Covid 19? Do you have enough trained personnel? ?”
She said health care and research need to be prepared to combat this next very realistic situation
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