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Eating Healthy: This Is What Makes Tirgarh The Ultimate Winter Combination

Eating Healthy: This Is What Makes Tirgarh The Ultimate Winter Combination


Whether Makar Sankranti, Lori or Ganesh Chaturthi, (Sesame seed) and gul/gur (jaggery) delicacies are often abundantly prepared. But did you know that this combination is not random and is due to its beneficial properties, especially during the cold and cough-prone winter months? “Enter Till and Guru,” chef Chinu Bayes wrote in an Instagram post.

The culinary expert adds that both of these winter foods “warm you up and set you on fire.” Agniaids digestion and boosts immunity (useful during cold cough season),” he continues, adding ghee to the til and gal gives the perfect balance of “omega 3, 6 and 9.” The best thing about this combination is the abundance of foods that can be prepared using them – tilgurghi ladoo, gajak, papad, gadgatta, etc.

Chef Chinu shared it further Gum Rich in calcium, it is also suitable for vegans and those who are lactose intolerant. “Only 4 minutes of her 1 cup of natural sesame seeds provides more calcium than 1 cup of milk. The oils in sesame seeds help the body produce body heat that keeps it warm.” She further writes, likewise Jaggery Rich in iron and vitamin C, it has been used as a traditional remedy for respiratory problems. “Plus, it activates digestive enzymes and smooths digestion (and constipation),” she added.

Consent, Dr. Zinal Patel, Nutritionist, Apollo Spectra Hospital, MumbaiSaid Sesame seeds and jaggery actually have tremendous health benefits, she lists a few.

Health benefits of sesame

  • prevent diabetes: Sesame helps control blood sugar levels with its low carb, high protein and healthy fat content.
  • lower blood pressure: Sesame contains magnesium that controls blood pressure.
  • Managing Cholesterol Levels: The seeds are rich in phytosterols that help block cholesterol production. Black sesame seeds are especially rich in phytosterols, and can be eaten by people who want to keep their cholesterol levels down.
  • aid digestion: High fiber content helps digestion and helps maintain health.

health benefits of jaggery

  • provide energy: Jaggery gives body continuous energy. This is to ensure that the jaggery is unrefined and does not spike blood sugar too quickly.
  • relieve menstrual pain: Jaggery helps release endorphins, happy hormones that help manage PMS symptoms such as mood swings and irritability. Consuming jaggery regularly can also help regulate irregular periods.
  • Prevents anemia: Jaggery is rich in iron and folic acid, which helps control anemia.
  • Boosts Metabolism and Helps Weight Loss: Jaggery is rich in potassium, which balances electrolytes in the body and improves metabolism. It also helps manage water retention and maintain optimal weight.

What makes sesame and jaggery beneficial, especially during winter?

In addition to fiber, sesame seeds are rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, B6, iron and copper.Thus, having a chill during the winter can help keep the body warm and healthy. Til ke laddu (which also contains jaggery) is often eaten in winter. Radouse Rich in vitamin E, it helps prevent plaque buildup in arteries. Jaggery and sesame seeds are rich in protein, calcium and zinc, which help keep bones strong. Jaggery acts as a blood purifier and does not raise blood sugar levels,” added Dr. Patel.


Consuming too much can be dangerous to your health. As such, eating too much jaggery can lead to weight gain, and consuming too much sesame can lower blood sugar levels.

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