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Study finds deep meditation may improve gut health

Study finds deep meditation may improve gut health


  • Tibetan monks who meditate regularly have better gut microbiota than those who don’t meditate, according to a new study.
  • This isn’t the first study to link meditation to gut health.
  • Experts say there is no harm in adding meditation to your life.

meditation It’s a habit that’s been talked about for years, and studies have linked it to everything from lowering the risk of depression to relieving stress. I found that it is possible.

Research published in BMJ General Psychiatryanalyzed fecal (that is, faeces) samples of 56 Tibetan Buddhist monks and local residents and performed genetic sequencing of their feces to examine the gut microbiota. We found two excellent forms of Megamonas When FaecalibacteriumThe group that practiced regular meditation became “significantly richer.”

Bacteria are associated with lower risk of anxiety, depression, and heart disease, and are also associated with “strengthening immune function,” researchers note. Blood samples taken from study participants. However, the monks’ cholesterol levels were found to be lower than the control group.

Long-term traditional Tibetan Buddhist meditation can have a positive impact on physical and mental health,” the researchers wrote in the study’s conclusion. play a positive role in physical and mental health and well-being.”

It is important to point out that monks practice Ayurvedic meditation for at least 2 hours a day and do so for 3 to 30 years.

But this isn’t the only study that has linked meditation to gut health and other health issues. So should you meditate regularly for your health? Here’s what the experts say.

Why does meditation affect gut health?

It is important to acknowledge upfront that the study was small, the participants were all male, and all lived in Tibet, making it difficult to say with certainty that everyone who meditates will be healthier. “Monks and contrasters differ from each other in many ways, not only in meditation, but in diet, past life experiences, and many other factors beyond what they were contrasted with,” says Martin J. Blaser, MD. ,Rutgers Robert Wood Professor at the Johnson College of Medicine and Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome. “It’s possible that meditation is the difference, but it hasn’t been proven.” Still, he says the study is “well done.”

However, there is other data suggesting that meditation promotes gut meta-analysis .

another study Published in 2021, compared the gut microbiomes of meditating vegans and non-meditating meat eaters and found that meditators had healthier gut microbiota. , it is difficult to know to what extent meditation and diet played a role.)

of National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine The (NCCIH) notes that much research on the health effects of meditation is “preliminary” and “difficult to measure,” but that it promotes healthy eating behaviors, as well as psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression. It is said that it may be useful for general health conditions.

But what does meditation have to do with your gut? According to the NCCIH, meditation and mindfulness practices can affect brain function and structure, with the gut acting as the gut-brain axis. It connects directly to the brain through known pathways, says clinical psychologist Thea Gallagher, M.D., Ph.D. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU Langone Health, mind in view podcast. “There’s a definite connection there,” she says. “My stomach thumps when I give a speech, I feel like I can’t eat when I’m sad. Sometimes I get symptoms in my gut when I feel really strong emotions.”

It can also affect your gut at the cellular level.”At a very basic level, meditation can help reduce stress and promote a better microbiome.” Rudolph BedfordMD, Gastroenterologist, Providence St. John’s Health Center, Santa Monica, CA.

More specifically, according to Dr. Bedford, meditation can positively affect your parasympathetic nervous system. control the functions of your body—including digestion—at rest) and the sympathetic nervous system (the body’s“Fight or Flee” reaction). These systems “control a variety of functions in the gut, including whether food is being digested properly and the rate of digestion,” Dr. Bedford says.

“Meditation likely affects both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, reducing inflammation in many ways and helping to keep the systems processing efficiently,” says Dr. Bedford. increase.

Although the study was conducted with monks, Dr. Bedford says it’s likely that other people can also get some gut health benefits from meditation. , definitely gives you a firmer gut,” he says.

How to improve gut health

There are many factors involved in keeping your gut healthy, says Dr. Bedford, and staying healthy requires more than meditation. If you want to improve your gut health, Dr. Bedford suggests:

  • eat more fiber ( National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that women consume about 25 grams of fiber a day, while men strive for 38 grams.)
  • Get regular sleep (at least 7 hours each night) Recommended for adults).
  • Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
  • Manage stress levels.
  • Seek treatment for mental health issues such as anxiety and depression that can affect the gut-brain axis.

How to incorporate meditation into your life

Meditation is believed to have many positive health effects, but you don’t have to meditate for hours a day to reap the benefits. “Meditation is good in many ways, and even a short meditation course can be beneficial,” says Dr. Bedford.

The thought of meditating can be frightening. “It starts with looking at life carefully: being in the present and fully immersed in a cup of coffee,” she says. From there, she can try out her Mindfulness app for guided meditations or consider joining a yoga class. According to Gallagher, most of the time there is “at least some degree of meditation.”

Is there another way to get meditation in your life? Do it while walking. “Don’t go for a walk and listen to music or look at your phone. Observe nature instead,” advises Gallagher.

“Meditation is good everywhere,” says Dr. Bedford. “There are no downsides. That’s really the point.”

Colin Miller portrait

Korin Miller is a freelance writer who specializes in general health, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, and has appeared in men’s health, women’s health, self, glamour, and more. . She has a master’s degree from American University, she lives by the sea, and one day she hopes to own a teacup, a pig and an octopus her truck.




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