UK coronavirus research participants can be monitored for up to 25 years | World News
Researchers say participants can be monitored for up to 25 years to understand the long-term and often unexpected effects of Covid-19.
Reports began to grow people when the coronavirus swept the world Long-term symptoms occur Even if the disease is mild, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, coughing, or chest pain.
Researchers have also raised concerns about long-term issues: In a recent study, scientists found that even people with mild cases of Covid-19 could be left behind. Did Serious and potentially fatal brain injury..
Now the experts have revealed it £8.4 million study published last week We were able to track participants for decades as to the long-term health effects of Covid-19.
Professor Louise Wayne, member of the university team Lester“While the focus of the study is initially in the first 12 months after discharge, study participants agree to actually follow up for quite some time (up to 25 years).”
This means teams can see not only short-term effects, but also long-term effects that may be unexpected or that may only appear later.
Researchers behind a project called Covid-19 Research after hospitalization-or Hoscovid – We want to recruit approximately 10,000 adults who were discharged after being hospitalized at Covid-19.
The study will also track participant health through clinic and GP visits, and a subset of participants will also be required to complete a questionnaire, provide a brain scan, and provide blood, urine, and sputum samples. Some participants will also receive additional evaluation.
The team says that research not only reveals the physical effects of Covid-19, but may also explain why some individuals experience longer-term effects, biomolecules or genetics. We want to identify the differences and identify who is at such risk, and identify the issues, and early indicators.
“I want to understand that there are individual differences in how individuals respond to viruses,” Wayne said.
Professor Calum Semple of University Liverpool Participants said they may experience many symptoms. “Many people believe that they leave scars in the lungs, muscle fatigue, and possibly blood vessel damage to the brain, and possibly mental distress,” he said.
Professor John Geddes of Oxford University helps the study uncover epidemics of mental health problems and neurological conditions in those hospitalized with Covid-19 and those who were most at risk of developing them Said. The mechanism behind them.
Professor Chris Breitling of the University of Leicester, who leads the study, among other important questions, said whether drugs or other treatments given to patients while in hospital affect the post-illness course. ..
He said: “What we learn will help those who eagerly instructed us how they can improve their care, but then test approaches for the care of the wave of illness It could give us clues on how to change that.” Breitling said the findings from the first 1,000 participants are expected in September.
The study focuses on people hospitalized for the disease, but Wayne said the study could have broader implications.
“Everything we find that helps us understand the long-term effects of an individual being hospitalized may also be relevant to individuals who probably had moderate to severe illness at home,” she said. Said.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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