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The inconvenient truth of an inadequate global response to antimicrobial resistance

The inconvenient truth of an inadequate global response to antimicrobial resistance


recently analysis Regarding national efforts to combat the outbreak of antimicrobial resistance, researchers modestly conclude that “the international response may not be commensurate with (its) scale and severity.”

Jay Patel, Global Health Governance Programme, Usher Institute, Univ. suggesting that we are not always ready to respond.” resistance. “

In the attached explanation lancet infectionAlessandro Cassini, MD, MSc, Cantonal Doctor Office, Cantonal Doctor Office, Canton of Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland, Evelina Tacconelli, MD, PhD, Infection Prevention and Control Unit, Infectious Diseases Service, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland With more than 1.2 million deaths directly attributable to infections caused by pneumonia, an analysis by Patel and colleagues provides a “generally bleak picture of various countries’ commitments to effectively overcome antimicrobial resistance”. I discovered that there is

An analysis of the global response in 2020-21 characterizes Patel and colleagues as the first comprehensive survey of the global response to antimicrobial resistance. Essential areas: policy design, implementation tools, and monitoring and evaluation.

A country-wide score was derived from the average across all governance areas. Composite score for each area from the average for each domain. Aggregated index scores for domains and governance areas were converted to a scale of 0 (worst) to 100 (best) by her three investigators blinded to each country. We then met open-label to resolve scoring discrepancies and reach consensus agreement.

Investigators said their “grading” criteria were partly based on the national NAPS, the WHO Tripartite Antimicrobial Resistance Country Self-Assessment Survey (TrACSS), the Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS). indicated that it was pulled from an entry to Global Antimicrobial Resistance R&D Hub, WHO 2018 Southeast Asia Regional Situation Analysis, and WHO 2020 Immunization Dashboard.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, researchers found low scores (46-48) in countries ranked in the World Bank’s low and middle income groups. Norway highest, average 85 (SD 32), lowest Federated States of Micronesia (28) [37]The highest scoring domain was Join (83) [16]), the lowest scoring domain is Accountability (30 [18]) and the feedback mechanism (30 [25]).

“Education was the lowest-scoring domain of all implementation tools,” observe Patel and colleagues, noting that “basic and continuing education for health workers is well established in most countries. I emphasize that no,” he said.

Sustainability, which considers whether countries have assessed their NAPS budget requirements, was the lowest-scoring indicator. Austria is the only country with a positive score for sustainability.

Cassini and Tacconelli welcomed the approach taken by investigators and indicated that their assessment tools “should be considered and integrated as integral components of a multi-pronged country-specific approach to antimicrobial resistance”. I was.

A next step recommended by Cassini and Tacconelli is to develop suitable and easily measurable outcome measures that should be measured regularly and independently at the country level and used as a baseline for further comparisons.




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